If you would like to join the board for the 2019-2020 year, please follow this link to show your interest. As well as sitting on the board to help guide the direction of the community we do have other areas of opportunity: Communications Director, Volunteer Coordinator and Secretary to name a few. (*current member is required to join the board)
The polls are open from 9am-8pm. The Elections Alberta website has all the information you need like who can vote, where to vote, and what you need to vote.
Winston Heights-Mountview is located in Division 15 – Calgary-Klein
To know where your local polling station is please follow this link: Where to Vote
We, on the gardening committee, are busy planning for the summer of 2019. With spring just around the corner, we are now recruiting new gardeners! If you have ever strolled through the garden and noticed how pretty it is, and wondered what it might be like to have a bed of your own, now is your chance! We invite you to join us for the season ahead. We have a number of 4 x 8 beds and one wheelchair accessible 2 x 6 bed still available.
It’s super easy to sign up. All you have to do is send an email to communitygarden@winstonheights.ca indicating that you’d like to reserve your bed.
There are lots of reasons to participate in community gardening. It gives you a reason to spend time outside, and it gives you opportunities to meet your fellow gardeners and community members. Community gardeners share a sense of pride and wellbeing that comes from planting, nurturing, and harvesting, and from a sense of belonging in the larger community. They enjoy the satisfaction of having contributed to building and maintaining an incredibly beautiful space in the neighbourhood. There are as many reasons to garden as there are gardeners, but mostly, it’s fun and it’s good for you. Come join us and we’ll show you all the reasons to love gardening.
Here’s what you need to know to become a community gardener:
Bed rental fees are $50 annually ($25 for a wheelchair accessible bed) plus a six-hour service commitment to the garden per season.
Gardeners must have a valid WHM community membership (free to community members and available through the community website) If you live outside the community membership costs $10.
Garden payment info: cheque drop-off at the community hall or email transfer to communitygarden@winstonheights.ca The security question should be, “what city do we live in?” Please indicate the purpose of payment in the message area.
More detailed information is available in our Rental Agreement and Garden Policies documents on the Community Garden page.
is a family-friendly come-and-go event so drop-in anytime between 10 am
and 2 pm. Please use main entrance off 4 Street and park in either the
36 Ave or 40 Ave lots. Note that the school is accessible by bus routes
#2 and #38
Who are the North Hill Communities?
The North Hill Communities area is a much-loved inner-city area in Calgary that includes Edmonton Trail NE, Centre St N, 4 St NW, 16 Avenue
N and the nine surrounding communities (Highland Park, Mount Pleasant,
Tuxedo Park, Winston Heights-Mountview, Crescent Heights, Renfrew,
Rosedale, Capitol Hill, Thorncliffe Greenview (south of Mcknight Blvd)
as well as Greenview Industrial.
What connections does The City have to this area?
want to talk with people about changes happening in the area, local
redevelopment and revitalization, City services and engagement
opportunities for active projects in the North Hill Communities area.
Come chat with us about what’s going on in the North Hill Communities
and how we’re working to ensure this area continues to be a place that
is loved by Calgarians in the future.
is a unique one-stop-shop opportunity to learn about and provide
feedback on a number of City projects with connections to the area.
There will be people from a range of City departments – from Planning and Transportation, to Parks, Recreation, Calgary Housing and specific project teams working on local projects.
North Hill Communities – Local Growth Planning
initiative. Chat with the project team and share your vision for growth
and redevelopment in the North Hill Communities. We want to build on
and strengthen the things people already love while also looking at how
things might change and evolve.
Calgary Housing Company – Learn about the importance of affordable housing and Calgary Housing projects in the area.
Centre Street – Streetscape Master Plan – Learn about the Streetscape Master Plan for the Centre Street Main Street and provide feedback to the team.
Municipal Development Plan and Calgary Transportation Plan Review – Help us shape the next 20 years for Calgary!
+ more projects, programs and services. Interact with staff from:
Planning & Development – Chat with staff from Growth Strategies, Heritage, Urban Design and more.
Transportation – Chat with team members from Traffic Safety, Livable Streets, Green Line, Calgary Transit, Transportation Planning about all of your transportation and transit questions for the area.
Parks & Recreation – Learn about parks and recreation programming in the area.
Water Resources – Learn about Water Resource infrastructure and projects in area.
Real Estate & Development Services – Learn about City owned land and future projects in the area.
‘Local Area Planning 101’ Presentation & Education Opportunity
Local Area Planning
can be a difficult and technical subject matter to navigate! Join us
for a quick 30 minute presentation and introduction to the world of Planning at The City of Calgary.
There will be a recurring 30 minute presentation and 5 minute Q&A at 10:30, 11:30, 12:30 & 1:30
your local community associations and find out more about community
programming in your area (Crescent Heights, Thorncliffe-Greenview,
Renfrew, Mount Pleasant, Highland Park, Capitol Hill.)
Have fun in Kid’s Korner – show us what you love about your community and help us build a box city!
Meet local Calgary Firefighters & check out their fire truck (they’re planning to come from 10:30-11:30).
Coffee, Tea and Timbits.
Translation available in Mandarin, Cantonese and Spanish
While we cannot offer lessons this season, we encourage families to come out on Saturday mornings (from 10am – 12pm) in January to enjoy our rink. There will be bathrooms open and a place to get warm and lace up. Possibly even hot chocolate and coffee…
You are invited to a community trade show style event to introduce you and your family to a group of wellness practitioners who offer mobile services. These practitioners will come to your home to provide you with their service. How’s that for convenience!!
Come on out to meet everyone and learn more about their services.
Date: January 20, 2019
Time: 1 – 4PM
Location: Winston Heights Mountview Community Centre
West Hall
520 27 Ave NE, Calgary
We will also be scheduling a few of these individuals to present in the board room.
Proactive Seniors – Living Well Plan Kathy – Speaker 2:00 PM
Recently several residents of Winston Heights-Mountview have reached out with questions or concerns regarding a Land Use Amendment application on 27th Avenue at Edmonton Trail. This message provides information regarding this application and the Winston Heights-Mountview Community Association (WHMCA) response.
On August 9, 2018 the WHMCA’s Planning and Development Committee received a request for comment on LOC2018-0172, an application for a land use amendment at 407 27 Avenue NE from Multi-Residential – Contextual Low Profile (M-C1) to Mixed Use – Active Frontage (MU2). The Committee’s mandate is to provide comments on development permit (DP) or land use applications made by landowners to the City of Calgary (the City) on behalf of WHMCA in accordance with City by-laws, Winston Heights-Mountview Area Redevelopment Plan (ARP), and related City or WHMCA strategies or visions. The personal opinions of the committee members are kept at bay by reviewing each application with a focus on alignments to these documents which outline the benefits or impacts on the community at large.
On June 26, 2018 the Committee met with the developer hired by the landowner and discussed the proposed land-use redesignation. Some drawings from the developer showed an example of what a building on this site may look like if the application was approved by the City. The Committee could not consider this as a development because the proposed building is out of the scope of the land-use application being commented on.
WHMCA Feedback:
WHMCA supported the land-use change however DOES NOT support any development examples shown by the developer. It was noted to the City that we would require the applicant to host a Community Open House for any future developments on the property. The Committee communicated this feedback to the City on August 22, 2018.
In 2010, the request for more commercial spaces along Edmonton Trail was called for by residents as part of the Community Association’s Edmonton Trail 2035 vision, a project facilitated by the University of Calgary Faculty of Environmental Design and the Federation of Calgary Communities. The WHMV Area Re-development Plan (ARP) – which was developed in 2006 by residents and the City of Calgary, and approved by City Council – deems Edmonton Trail as “medium-density; to provide a diversity of housing stock” and “promote mixed use and denser development where appropriate.” In addition to the community vision initiatives, the City of Calgary has named Edmonton Trail as one of the “Main Streets”, to which MU-2 is the proposed zoning for these areas. MU-2 zoning did not exist at the time of the Edmonton Trail 2035 vision and ARP were developed. The CA planning committee believes MU-2 offers a good transition parameter to low-density, at the same time as adding services and retail into the community, versus MC-1 which would allow for similar development/height but without adding walkable services that would benefit community members.
Comments from WHMCA are only a portion of the engagement that can happen from a community perspective on an application. Individual residents of the community are encouraged to voice opinions on projects to our City Councillor and/or through the City of Calgary appeal process.
If you would like more information on how to get involved with the Planning & Development Committee, how to contact our City Councillor’s office, or about appeal processes, please contact planning@winstonheights.ca.