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Learn to Make Crab Apple Jelly: Sept. 29, 2019

September 19, 2019

Learn to make Crab Apple Jelly.

Are you interested in learning how to make and preserve so that you can enjoy the fall harvest throughout the year?  Come learn how to make and preserve Crab Apple Jelly.  Sign up and join us at our community hall kitchen where a fellow resident Doreen Knopp will be passing on her knowledge on the art of crab apple jelly making.  This hands on session will focus on making crab apple jelly, bottling and preserving so that it can be stored safely.   There are only 6 spots so sign up soon!

This session is open to residents of Winston Heights-Mountview Community.

Where:   Winston Heights-Mountview Community Centre,  520- 27 Ave NE.

When:  Sunday, September 29th,  2019

Time:  9:00 AM – 11:30 AM 

Cost:  $10.00 Per Student

To book/pay and confirm your place please e-mail Marcia Xavier at

We look forward to seeing you.

View Event on Facebook: Crab Apple Jelly

Winston Heights Redevelopment Project

Real Estate & Development Services
Winston Heights Redevelopment Project

The City of Calgary is undertaking the planning of the large 22-acre site located in Winston Heights-Mountview on the northeast corner of 16 Avenue N.E./Moncton Road N.E.

The concept and outline plans that come out of these planning efforts will identify design details such as the location of the roads, pathways and green space, as well as what will be built on the site such as types of housing and commercial buildings.

We are currently in the first phase of this project and are seeking input from adjacent communities, stakeholders, potential future residents/businesses and the public on:

  • Evaluation criteria that will be used to assess concept options
  • Priorities and ideas for the site
  • Planning elements such as neighbourhood character, access to and travel within the site, and housing types

Join us at an upcoming interactive open house to learn more about this project and to share your ideas and input with the project team.

Open house
October 1, 2019 from 6 – 8:30 p.m.
Renfrew Community Hall
811 Radford Road N.E.

You are welcome to drop-in anytime between 6 – 8:30 p.m. There will be an opportunity to participate in a facilitated discussion with the project team at 6:30 p.m.

In addition to the open house, the public is invited to provide ideas and input online at from October 1 – October 15, 2019.

Please Note:  This 22-acre site does include the land that was formerly known as Midfield Park.  The City of Calgary website has referred to this site as Winston Heights Village.  To keep information consistent, future correspondence will refer to this site as Winston Heights Village or WHV.

Yoga Returns: September 17, 2019

September 17, 2019



Come out to the Winston Heights-Mountview Community Centre for Tuesday morning Yoga classes starting at 9:30 a.m.

PLEASE NOTE: The price is increasing to $6/person. Please bring exact change.

This class is open to people of all abilities so come on out and meet some neighbours while enjoying a wonderful yoga class at the same time.

Calm your mind as we work on breathing and mindful movement.

Bring your yoga mat if you have one, if not, we have some mats at the hall we can loan you for the class. Yoga blocks will be provided.
Bring a friend if you wish and we will see you there.

We Need You! Volunteers, Volunteers, Volunteers!

September 5, 2019

  • City of Calgary: Solid Waste Services
  • City of Calgary: Mobile Recycling
  • Metal Recycling
  • Electronics Recycling
  • Women In Need Society

To volunteer email: or visit us here to sign up!



Winston Heights-Mountview Community Association needs volunteers for our casino on Sunday September 22 & Monday September 23, 2019 at the ELBOW RIVER CASINO

Please remember to bring Photo ID with you.

No experience is necessary! We are looking for volunteers for a number of positions. Please follow this link for a description of the duties of each volunteer and to sign-up for a time slot:

If you have any questions Contact Beth at 403-276-3500 or

City of Calgary Community Mobile Skateparks

July 2, 2019

The free City of Calgary Community Mobile Skateparks run all summer long.

Visit the mobile skatepark web page for more details.

Reminder: this is a free drop-in program and all are encouraged to participate with their own skateboard, scooter or inline skates.  Waivers and helmets are mandatory, waivers can be picked up at the park.  We have a few loaner boards and helmets but they are on a first come first serve basis.

TONIGHT – Volunteer Recognition and AGM – May 27, 2019

May 27, 2019

When: Monday, May 27 @ 6pm
Where: Winston Heights-Mountview Community Centre

(*current membership required to vote, memberships will be available at the door or follow this link to complete the form online.)

If you would like to join the board for the 2019-2020 year, please follow this link to show your interest. As well as sitting on the board to help guide the direction of the community we do have other areas of opportunity: Communications Director, Volunteer Coordinator and Secretary to name a few.
(*current member is required to join the board)

I’d Like to join the board