January 16, 2017
Sweeper Stolen from the Winston Heights-Mountview Community Association Rink

At approximately 5am on Saturday January 14, 2017 a sweeper (Ariens 24” sweeper, model 920014 with an NCE Enterprises Inc. decal) was stolen from the Winston Heights-Mountview Community Association Rink. This is used by community volunteers to help clear the ice at the outdoor rink. The Calgary Police Service has been notified but any information to track down the sweeper would be great!
In the bottom picture you can see a stock photo of the sweeper. Additionally, we have included 2 pictures from our security cameras, of a black truck of interest, driving into and then leaving the storage area:
Above: Truck driving in with decal clearly visible.
Below: Truck driving out, with what appears to be the sweeper in question high lighted in red.
If you have any information you can contact us directly at 403-681-9142 or by email: communications@winstonheights.ca or reach out to the Calgary Police Service: 403-266-1234

November 15, 2016

Sharpen up your skates! It’s time to enjoy our Calgary Winter!
Great news: The Marsden Road Adopt-A-Rink is coming back!
The rink will be returning to the bermed area in the Marsden Road Park for this winter, where there is proper lighting and water service!
Please remember that this rink is intended for recreational skating only and that pucks and sticks are not allowed. Hockey is permitted at the main rink at the community hall.
Craig Baskett creates and maintains the Adopt-a-Rink at Marsden Road Park, so if you see him around the neighbourhood, please say thank you!
November 2, 2016
Ice Tots is coming back!

The Winston Heights Mountview Community Association is bringing back Ice Tots this season!
Ice Tots is a learn to skate program for 3-5 year olds taught in a group format. Each child must be accompanied on the ice by an adult. (The adult should wear skates or non-slip footwear on the ice.)
Brittany Jones, a very qualified skating instructor with coaching and first aid certification will again teach our program, which will consist of 8 weekly 45 minute classes starting January 7th at the community rink. We will hold one set of classes at 10:00 a.m. and another at 11:00 a.m. We can take up to 10 adult/child pairs in each.
Because the Community Association will again underwrite the costs of the program, we can offer it free of charge to Community Association members and for a nominal cost of $20.00 for non-members. Similar indoor programs cost around $70.00 / child. To become a member please follow this link: membership
Preregistration is required and children must have skates and a CSA helmet. If you and your child wish to participate, please register here:
October 5, 2016

Have gently used or unneeded equipment and skates (all types welcome)? We are happy to accept donations to increase inventory to provide more free equipment use to members of the community on Community Skate Night.
Here’s what others think of the rink!
10 Best Outdoor Shinny Rinks In and Around Calgary
August 25, 2016

Volunteer Opportunities:
Committees and Groups to Join
As you can see, we do have a couple of vacant positions within these committees/groups and without the help of volunteers these committees/groups have difficulty functioning or even worse aren’t able to exist to function. If you are interested in joining any of these committees/groups as the lead, or to assist with meetings and organizing of event or just to volunteer to assist at the time of the activity or event we would love to have you! You can email directly with the above email address or send to: volunteer@winstonheights.ca
August 23, 2016

Update: August 2016
Although it is still summer and hopefully you are enjoying it to its fullest, it is coming to the time when we start planning for the upcoming skating/hockey season. We have had a skating/shinny rink and oval for many years on the field at the community centre. This winter we are planning some exciting things for the rink.
- We have purchased safety netting for the end boards to protect the neighbours’ houses and the skaters on the oval. We will need some new, taller fence posts to hook these onto.
- The rink boards and other essentials need to be erected before the first snow.
- Teams of “hosers” need to be assembled to ensure the rink is maintained on a consistent basis. For the last couple of years Dave has done an amazing job, but sadly, he has moved to sunnier climes.
- In case you are wondering, “hoser” is term used to describe someone who waters or hoses rinks.
- We have snowblowers and power-brooms to make the job easier. We also have a large “fire” hose and nozzle for watering the surfaces.
- We need to convene a meeting of interested skaters, shinniers, parents and community members to make these things happen. Please contact Terence Evans @ 403-452-0458 or by email: twevansesq@yahoo.com if you can help.
Remember, this will only happen with people like you helping.
May 25, 2016
We’ve had several community members inquiring about shared interests and if anyone had a Club/Group organized. An example of an existing club is the Book Club, however there is the potential for many more!
If you’d like to start a club/group and get your information out there, let us know! Some ideas that have been put forward are, knitting, sewing, running and photography.
Let us know if you are interested in anything and we can help connect you!
May 19, 2016