September 14, 2021

The City of Calgary is enhancing vacant land at Centre Street N and 40 Avenue N.E. to create a pop-up park for interim use. They have developed two design options for the park and they would love your feedback:
Park Design Option One:
- Add a fence around the pop-up park along with an accessible pathway that leads to a basketball court for multi-purpose recreation use surrounded by trees and benches.
- Includes a sheltered space with picnic tables for year-round use.
- The space can be used for recreation programming such as fitness, art and sports for all ages.
Park Design Option Two:
- Add a fence around the pop-up park along with an accessible pathway that leads to a community garden with planter beds, some of the beds can be used for accessible use.
- Add natural play elements, two covered swing benches and a mini library.
- The space can be used for recreation programming such as fitness, art and gardening workshops for all ages.
Mobility Improvements
We are also implementing mobility improvements in the communities of Greenview, Greenview Industrial Park, Highland Park and Winston Heights / Mountview. We are making these enhancements to improve mobility for people who walk, wheel and drive and to complete the missing links in our transportation network.
The City of Calgary is currently hosting online engagement at until September 17 to gather feedback on the design options for the pop-up park.
June 1, 2021
May 18, 2021

Even though winter is over and spring is well underway, there has been plenty of activity related to the Winston Heights-Mountview ice rinks.
First off, the WHMCA successfully applied for and received $4500 funding from the Embrace the Outdoors program run by Parks Foundation Calgary (@ParksFdnCalgary) for the City of Calgary (@CityofCalgary). This funding allowed the WHMCA to purchase two (gently used) snow sweepers and 400 feet of firehose to replace ageing equipment. This equipment will give us many years of reliability to provide a winter outdoor space for everyone to share and enjoy. #YYCOutdoors
Second, the ice rink boards at the community hall were taken down on April 24th. Jarret, Ben, Ryan, Don, Kevin & Alex spent about five hours undoing the netting, chain link panels & rink boards, and putting them safely away for the summer. Craig and Shawn have also put away their equipment for taking care of the Marsden Road Adopt-a-Rink. The fields are now wide open for your (socially distanced) games of soccer, frisbee, cloud-watching or whatever else you wish to do.
Finally, the WHMCA Board of Directors is very proud of the work the Rinks Committee has accomplished this season and their ability to provide residents with a winter activity throughout the pandemic. The Board sees spending money for rink operations to be a very worthwhile investment. The committee has been amazing at maintaining and caring for these rinks. We thank the entire team for their dedication and time this season.
May 17, 2021
May 12, 2021
Remember to #supportlocalyyc this summer and visit Calgary Farm Stands!
More details:

April 28, 2021

Click here for City Of Calgary information.
Need somewhere to park while your street is being cleaned?
With the Winston Heights-Mountview Community Hall closed for most activities, there is plenty of room for residents to use our parking lot for temporary parking while your street is being cleaned.
**Please remember to follow Government social distancing rules as you drop off and pick up your vehicle.
**Please avoid overnight parking.
April 14, 2021

Again this year, we are only accepting membership forms & payments online.
If this poses any problem for you please reach out to for assistance.
Thank you and stay safe!

April 2, 2021

This year we are pleased to team up with DUFC and offer soccer within the community!
Age Group Details & Pricing
We are offering house and city league soccer for girls and boys U4 through U19 age groups and will enter teams based on our registration numbers.
DUFC cannot and will not guarantee that:
- teams will be entered for every age/gender group and at every level of play. This depends on registration numbers as well as sufficient volunteer team officials.
- Team or player placement.
- a player will end up on a specific team, with a specific friend, or a specific coach.
IMPORTANT: Due to COVID-19, not all age groups will have tryouts.
Evaluation Process and Team Placement Policy

Hello Fellow Gardeners,
Here we are again, approaching the best time of the year. With the whole of spring and summer just ahead, are you dreaming of fresh-picked carrots and early spring radishes? Have you been drawn to the tomato seedlings and basil plants proliferating at the pop-up gardening sections of Home Depot and Walmart? Do you yearn to get your hands on a shovel? Then you are one of us, and we welcome you. Your bed is waiting at the community garden.
We have a small number of beds available for new members this year, and we invite you to claim yours now. All gardeners join one of six teams dedicated to keeping our corner of the community looking healthy and happy, so you will have an opportunity to meet other community members, learn from more seasoned gardeners, and be a part of one of Calgary’s most beautiful garden projects.
We currently have both standard and special access beds available. The annual cost of a regular bed is $50 and the smaller accessible bed fee is $25. We also rely on our gardeners to contribute a block of their time to the garden over the course of each summer. Each of us contributes a minimum of six hours working with our fellow gardeners to water and nurture the perimeter plantings, manage the compost system, and maintain the permanent structures in the garden. To reserve a bed, all gardeners must hold a current WHM Community Association membership. Membership details can be found here.
The opportunity to reserve a place in the garden for 2021 closes April 15th, but we expect to fill up quickly, so please sign up today! A $20 deposit is required to reserve your bed with the balance of $30 due April 30th.
For more detailed information regarding the community garden and membership, please view the Community Garden page on the community website.
We look forward to meeting you!
Contact us at to join the garden.
March 25, 2021

The Atlas Project is an initiative of the Calgary Institute for the Humanities (CIH) at the University of Calgary and is steered by a group of five professors at the University of Calgary: George Colpitts (History), Jim Ellis (English; CIH), Nancy Janovicek (History), Graham Livesey (School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape), and Charles Tepperman (Communications, Media and Film).
The Calgary Atlas Project will produce a series of maps that document lesser-known histories of the city, exploring the city’s diversity in creative and accessible ways. Each map will address a particular community or a significant feature of the city’s history.
The map’s texts are written by local historians, drawing on available archives, and the maps are created by Calgary artists, ideally, artists who have a relation to the history they are interpreting.
If you would like more information, please click the image above.