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Only 2 Spots Left!! – Casino Night Aug 19&20

July 4, 2014


Only 2 spots available!!


We are looking for your help. Yes, you! Whether you volunteer regularly, once in a while, thought about it or have never done it before, this is your chance to join us! We are looking for a range of volunteers to help throughout the year with different projects. A few examples are:

  • Casino Night
  • Rinks
  • Community Garden
  • Community Clean Ups
  • Communications
  • Winston Heights-Mountview Community Association Board

On August 19 & 20 we have our biggest fund raising event of the year. If you’d like to join us please follow this link to sign up:

If you’d like to join us for other opportunities or if you’d like to be added to a list to receive emails with volunteer opportunities reply to indicating you’d like to help us help the community!


Munro Park Designs at AGM May 27 – Final Reveal June 19

May 10, 2014

Munro Park Open House Rescheduled

munro park landscape


There’s still time….
If you weren’t able to attend the last Munro Park Open House to share your wants and needs for the park, there is still time to give input. The three draft concepts under consideration will be showcased at the Community Association AGM on May 27 and the Project Manager from the City of Calgary will be there to answer questions and collect your feedback.  To allow the consulting firm to incorporate this additional feedback into the Draft Master Plan, the final presentation of the Draft Master Plan has been rescheduled to Thursday June 19 from 7 to 9 p.m.

Tonight! WHM Community Potluck

April 18, 2014

Potluck_Dinner.189113111_stdPlease join us for our Monthly potluck dinner at the Winston Heights Community Centre from 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Our next pot luck will be on Friday, April 18th, 2014. The following pot luck will be May 16th.

Bring a dish to share and anything special you might like to drink (coffee, tea, juice and water are provided) and come on out to meet your neighbours for some great food and ever better company and conversation. We have toys for the kids to keep them occupied and usually we set up a craft table with markers and stickers and big rolls of paper.

If you’ve not yet made it out to potluck but would like to attend and want more information, please contact Mary-Beth at or at 403-209-1691.

Tonight: Munro Park Open House – WHM Community Centre

April 16, 2014


Not everyone could make it to the Munro Park Visioning Session. The idea behind the meeting wasn’t to decide what the park would become after this redevelopment but to help decide on the direction to go with the park over the future (the vision over the next 10-15 years), a plan to follow.

If you have more ideas/suggestions on the vision of the park please join us at the next event on April 16, 2014 7-9pm and then the final presentation on May 14, 2014 at the WHM Community Centre.

Open House for Development of Edm Trl & 24th Ave – April 30

April 14, 2014


Please join us to discuss the proposed development of the lot on the North East corner of Edmonton Trail and 24th Ave.

Where: Winston Heights-Mountview Community Association Centre

When: April 30, 2014 at 7pm

We have invited the prospective owner, developer as well as members of the City of Calgary.  We hope you join us in discussing the future development.

Batter Up! Learn-to-Play Softball

April 11, 2014

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Batter Up!

Are you the parent of a 4-6 year old who is interested in joining a once a week drop-in style Learn to Play Softball program?

The community association has equipment, we can use space in Munro Park and we can get advice from Foothills Little League. We need a minimum of 12 children and a couple of volunteer coaches to start the program. (If we have volunteers, Foothills will help us with coaches’ training.) If you are interested, please email

You are invited to participate in Action Plan 2015-2018

March 21, 2014

 action plan

The City of Calgary Action Plan 2015-2018 is everyone’s opportunity to help shape Calgary’s future. From roads to recreation centres, from flood response to City finances, what is important to you?

Starting March 3, Calgarians can also have their say online through three different online tools until March 21st:

  • Budget Simulator: consider City services and make some tough choices on spending priorities, based on the impacts to service that each scenario presents
  • City Priorities Tool: Tell us your priorities and what you want The City to focus on for the next four years
  • CityTalk: an open forum, where you can submit ideas, comments and thoughts on City spending, priorities and budget.  Other citizens can then comment and vote on submitted ideas, or start another thread of discussion themselves.

Information collected during citizen engagement events and through the online tools are key inputs into Action Plan 2015 – 2018. A detailed summary of all ideas and suggestions will be given to Council and City departments for consideration as council priorities, business plans and budgets are being developed during 2014. As well, a summary of citizen engagement will be announced publicly in April and shared on the Action Plan website.

What You Missed: Munro Park Vissioning Review

March 11, 2014

munro park landscape

Not everyone could make it to the Munro Park Visioning Session last night so here’s a little background. The idea behind the meeting wasn’t to decide what the park would become after this redevelopment but to help decide on the direction to go with the park over the future (the vision over the next 10-15 years), a plan to follow.

Here’s a quick look at topics that were discussed:

  • Things we like about the current park
    • The list wasn’t long but the top 2 were:
      • Age and size of trees as well as size of the park
      • The life brought to the park by the soccer players and their families
  • Things we don’t like about the current park
    • Most people had the same concerns:
      • Homeless and vagrants
      • Lack of amenities
      • Issues with parking when events are taking place
  • Ideas/Suggestions of things the community members would like to see in the park
    • These are simply a guide from the community for developers. For lack of a better term, a WISHLIST, in NO particular order, and that may not come to life because of budget, zoning and park size:
      • Cafe
      • Patio space for restaurants across the alley on south side of park
      • Better incorporate the bus stop so it invites people into the park
      • Remove most/all of fencing (save the area by the playground)
      • Upgrade the play ground
      • Walking paths and bermed soccer pitch (possibly rotating from current location)
      • Ability to flood above mentioned for possible skating in winter (making the park year round fun)
      • Picnic tables and benches
      • Flowers and/or flowering trees and shrubs
      • Skateboard park (part of the city’s Skateboarding Amenities Strategy or
      • A water fountain
      • Under planting of trees for the continual growth of new trees
      • Incorporate the parks history

**This is just a small sample of ideas that were brought up. In no way is this a complete and comprehensive list of ideas nor the defining vision of the park.

If you have more ideas/suggestions on the vision of the park please join us at the next event on April 16, 2014 and then the final presentation on May 14, 2014 at the WHM Community Hall.

You’re invited to participate: Action Plan 2015-2018

March 10, 2014

action plan

The City of Calgary Action Plan 2015-2018 is everyone’s opportunity to help shape Calgary’s future. From roads to recreation centres, from flood response to City finances, what is important to you?

Starting March 3, Calgarians can also have their say online through three different online tools until March 21st:

  • Budget Simulator: consider City services and make some tough choices on spending priorities, based on the impacts to service that each scenario presents
  • City Priorities Tool: Tell us your priorities and what you want The City to focus on for the next four years
  • CityTalk: an open forum, where you can submit ideas, comments and thoughts on City spending, priorities and budget. Other citizens can then comment and vote on submitted ideas, or start another thread of discussion themselves.

Information collected during citizen engagement events and through the online tools are key inputs into Action Plan 2015 – 2018. A detailed summary of all ideas and suggestions will be given to Council and City departments for consideration as council priorities, business plans and budgets are being developed during 2014. As well, a summary of citizen engagement will be announced publicly in April and shared on the Action Plan website.