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Today! Public Engagement Information – nextCITY’s Main Streets

February 7, 2015

Public Engagement Information – 16th Avenue North, Centre St N & Edmonton Trail NE

We’re exploring how growth could happen in a meaningful way for your main street neighbourhood. Through nextCITY’s Main Streets initiative, we will hear from residents, businesses, industry professionals and other main street visitors, to make informed, strategic planning decisions about the future success of Calgary’s thriving main streets.
In our first events (in November), we saw Community Associations and Business Revitalization Zones take an active role in promoting Main Streets events and encouraging community members to participate in workshops. This resulted in well attended, productive workshops, with great input and discussions between residents and City planners.

16th Avenue North Workshop

Date: Wednesday, February 4th Time: 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Location: SAIT – MacDonald Hall, 1301-16 Ave NW

Centre St N & Edmonton Trail NE Workshop

Date: Saturday, February 7th Time: 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Location: Calgary Italian Club, 416 1 Ave NE


Today – “Act Three” an Elder Friendly Community

February 5, 2015



ActIIIAct Three”, an Elder Friendly Community serving Winston Heights-Mountview and surrounding communities, meets at the WHM Community Hall the first Thursday of every month from 1:30 to 3:30 pm.

Please join us; you are welcome!!



We are a community of older adults who are working to enhance our neighbourhoods by developing a culture of valuing and respecting the wisdom and experience of older adults. We envision a place where there is easy mobility, safety, and services to support aging-in-place. Everyone is included and welcome. Embracing everyone in the community, older adults, families, people from diverse cultures and all those who seek community connections, we identify needs, hold meaningful conversations, generate enthusiasm and facilitate action to become the most inclusive and welcoming community possible.


Embracing everyone in the community, older adults, families, people from diverse cultures and all those who seek community connections, we identify needs, hold meaningful conversations, generate enthusiasm and facilitate action to become the most inclusive and welcoming community possible.


On February 5 at 1:30, Julie Black of The Calgary Foundation will show the film, ‘Our City, Our Soul’ and discuss Stepping Stones and Soul of the City Neighbour Grants. Grant application deadlines are on March 17, 2015. Come out to talk to Julie and explore the possibility of applying for a grant for a community project that is important to you.

Today! Public Engagement Information – nextCITY’s Main Streets

February 3, 2015

Public Engagement Information – 16th Avenue North, Centre St N & Edmonton Trail NE

We’re exploring how growth could happen in a meaningful way for your main street neighbourhood. Through nextCITY’s Main Streets initiative, we will hear from residents, businesses, industry professionals and other main street visitors, to make informed, strategic planning decisions about the future success of Calgary’s thriving main streets.
In our first events (in November), we saw Community Associations and Business Revitalization Zones take an active role in promoting Main Streets events and encouraging community members to participate in workshops. This resulted in well attended, productive workshops, with great input and discussions between residents and City planners.

16th Avenue North Workshop

Date: Wednesday, February 4th Time: 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Location: SAIT – MacDonald Hall, 1301-16 Ave NW

Centre St N & Edmonton Trail NE Workshop

Date: Saturday, February 7th Time: 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Location: Calgary Italian Club, 416 1 Ave NE


CHANGE of DATE for Ice Tots at the Community Rink!!

January 23, 2015

Ice Skating in Florence, MA


Please note:  As a result of the warm weather the first class has been rescheduled to January 31, 2015

The Winston Heights Mountview Community Association has endorsed a pilot project to bring Ice Tots to our outdoor community rink. The program is offered at indoor arenas and skating rinks in Calgary but this is the first outdoor course.

Ice Tots is a learn to skate program for 3-5 year olds taught in a group format. Each child must be accompanied on the ice by an adult. (The adult should wear skates or non-slip footwear on the ice.)

A qualified instructor with coaching and first aid certification will teach the program, which will consists of 7 weekly 45 minute classes starting at 10:00 a.m. on January 24 at the community rink. We can accommodate up to 10 adult/child pairs. There will be hot chocolate and coffee for participants after each lesson.

Because the Community Association will underwrite the costs of the program, we can offer it free of charge to community association members and for a nominal cost of $15.00 for non-members. Similar indoor programs cost around $60.00 / child.

Preregistration is required and children must have skates and a CSA helmet. If you and your child wish to participate, please e-mail with you and your child’s name and whether or not you are a WHMCA member. The first ten people will be enrolled. If we have more interest, we will start a waiting list. If it reaches 6, we will host a second class at 11:00 a.m. We need a minimum of 6 interested parents to offer the program.

Come out and take advantage of this Learn to Skate opportunity for your children.

Enjoy the Community Garden Year-Round! Event: Jan 24, 2015

January 22, 2015


Community Garden News & Updates

Enjoy the Community Garden Year-Round!Join us on January 24th from 4:00pm to 7:00pm for a Winter Garden Wonderland Bonfire in the WHM Community Garden. There will be skating, music, hot beverages and snacks, so bring your skates and lawn chairs and come enjoy the splendor of the garden as the firelight dances across the snow-covered beds! This free event is open to public, so bring the kids and come meet your neighbours.

We are still looking for volunteers:

1)      The Winston Heights Mountview Community Garden Committee is seeking an additional member with an interest in program planning who would like to help plan and manage programs such as the Philanthropic Beds and a program that links the garden with local schools. This volunteer position will require an average commitment of 7.25 hours per month, including a monthly meeting and varying action items, with more time required in the summer months and less in the winter and spring. This position offers opportunities for community engagement, influence in the direction of the community garden and opportunities to enhance your leadership skills.

2)      The Winston Heights Mountview Community Garden Committee is seeking an administrator to support the Committee Chair. This volunteer position will require an average commitment of 7.25 hours per month, including monthly meetings and varying action items. This position will require very strong organizational skills and the ability to multitask. This position offers opportunities to for community engagement and influence in the direction of the community garden.

If you’re interested in joining the Community Garden Committee in either the Program Planning or the Administrative Support roles, please contact Stephanie Phillips at or at (403)295-9444.  No previous involvement with the garden is required.

Reminder: Community Skate Night – Every Tuesday!!

December 16, 2014


Welcome to the fun part of winter!  The Winston Heights-Mountview Communty Rink is now open!  Come out and enjoy the fun!A few small changes this year, the main one being that we have renamed Tuesday’s to ‘Community Skate Night’.  Come out and join the rest of the community for an evening on the ice!

Don’t have equipment, don’t worry, when you come to Community Skate Night you can borrow skating and hockey equipment while quantities are available.

Just a few reminders:
  • No pets on the ice
  • Lights out and rink closed at 10pm
  • Most Importantly, HAVE FUN and PLAY SAFE

Have gently used or unneeded equipment and skates (all types welcome)?  We are happy to accept donations to increase inventory to provide more free equipment use to members of the community on Community Skate Night.Email:

TODAY! Santa Breakfast and Craft Sale – Dec 13, 2014!

December 13, 2014



Please join us at the Winston Heights Community Centre for the Santa Breakfast and Craft Sale on Saturday, December 13th. Breakfast will be served from 9:30 am to 11:00 am with Santa arriving to hand out treats to the children at 11:00 am. We will have musical entertainment by the Barberrellas, an amazing female Barber Quartet, as well as a few other local musicians. There will be amazing craft projects for the children to participate in.

Craft Fair Tables will be open from 9:30 am to 2:00 pm with a wide variety of vendors from knit and crocheted products to children’s tutu’s, pottery, jewelry, photography, cards and stationery, Scentsy, Epicure, Usborne Books, Stained Glass Artworks, original paintings, and much, much more. Get your Christmas shopping done early, and avoid the malls!!

Breakfast has been made available by the generous donations of Community Natural Foods, Tony Nicastro and Nicastro’s Neighbourhood Pub, Telus and our local Co-op. Thanks so much to these generous donors for their participation in our event.

The breakfast is free to all Winston Heights-Mountview Community Association Members, and at a cost of $5 for non-members. Memberships will be available for purchase at the doors for a cost of $10 per family.

A bake table will also be raising funds for community initiatives. If you are interested in donating baking, please drop it off to the hall between 12pm – 3pm on Friday, December 12 or between 9am – 9:30am on Saturday, December 13th. If you have any questions, please contact Kim MacMillan at

In addition to all the fun this year we are helping the Mayor’s Annual Christmas Food Drive, so when you come to Santa’s Breakfast and Craft Sale why not bring a non-perishable item to donate! If you want to drop off before then, beginning on Friday after lunch you can swing by the Community Centre and drop of your item! Not sure what to bring here’s a link to see some suggestions:

Items Needed and Quick Facts




Mom’s Night Out! Nov 27th

November 24, 2014

mno2We’ll be getting together on Thursday, November 27th, 2014 from 7:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. (location To Be Announced). This is a great way to get to meet other women in the neighbourhood for some great food and great conversation. Hope to see you there!

We’re always looking for suggestions on restaurants to try out, so if you’ve not yet joined us, but would like to come, and know of a place you’d love to go, contact Mary-Beth at 403-209-1691 or, or if you have suggestions on something else we can do, we’d love to hear from you.

Tonight: Double Feature! Potluck & Quiz Night: Nov21

November 21, 2014

Come for the food and stay for the fun!




Please join us on Friday, November 21, 2014 at the Winston Heights Community Centre from 6:30 p.m. for our Community Potluck! Stay tuned for more dates and times!

Bring a dish to share and anything special you might like to drink (coffee, tea, juice and water are provided) and come on out to meet your neighbours for some great food and ever better company and conversation. We have toys for the kids to keep them occupied and usually we set up a craft table with markers and stickers and big rolls of paper.

If you’ve not yet made it out to potluck but would like to attend and want more information, please contact Mary-Beth at or at 403-209-1691.



Back by popular demand we present our 2nd Quiz Night!

Interested in testing your knowledge of current events or geography?

How well do you know sports or history?

Join your neighbours at the Winston Heights-Mountview Community Centre on Friday, November 21 at 7:30 p.m. for a fun night of trivia! There is no charge to play, but there will be a cash bar. Teams of two to 100 are welcome! We hope to see you there!

Things You Need To Know – SNOW ROUTE

November 20, 2014


Click here to view the map for a complete overview of the Snow Route Parking Ban

Major changes at a glance

The snow ban is being lifted in the following areas: Some of the roads subject to the 72 Hour Bans include:
6th St NE (North of 12th Ave)
· 20th Ave NE
· Parts of Erlton St SW
· Parts of Spiller Rd SE
· Part of Highfield Rd SE
· Alyth Rd north of 30th Ave SE
· 11th St SE north of 42nd Ave SE
· Throughout areas of Foothills, Starfield, and Great Plains
· Ogden Dale Rd SE
· 11th St SE (South of Heritage Drive SE)
· Centre Street
· Ogden Road SE
· Parts of 11th St SE (South of 9th Ave SE)
· Memorial Drive
· Glenmore Trail
· Barlow Trail
· 19 Ave SE, 21 Ave SE, 23 Ave SE
· Dover Ridge Dr SE, Dovely Pa SE
· 19th St SE, 36 St SE
· Major roads throughout Acadia, etc.

Calgarians are reminded to drive to winter conditions this weekend. Some tips for winter driving include:

1.       Winterize your vehicle, consider installing snow tires.
2.       Give yourself extra time to reach your destinations.
3.       Reduce your speed and turn on your headlights.
4.       Leave extra distance between you and the car ahead of you.
5.       Do not pass working sanders or equipment.

For the most up-to-date information over the weekend, follow the Transportation Department, @yyctransport, on Twitter or visit


Don’t get towed….know the road!  Look for this sign