May 23, 2016
Looking ahead:
Regular monthly meetings: The first Thursday of the month at 1:30 PM.
On June 2 we are planning a potluck social beginning at 1pm. We will also be looking at plans for future events with possibly new meeting times in the Fall. Come join in our lunch & discussion.
July & August will not have our monthly meeting, but we are looking forward to an informal garden tea and maybe some field trips. Watch for more information.
Yoga Classes: Hosted by Diane, classes run from September through June and are held every Tuesday and Thursday morning at 9:30 AM at the community centre. it is $5 for the drop-in class.
ACT III Book Study: More information on the next book study beginning September 2016 to come.
For all ACT III events and information, contact
TONIGHT! Volunteer Recognition Event and AGM – May 19, 2016
May 19, 2016
When: Thursday, May 19 @ 6pm
Where: Winston Heights-Mountview Community Centre
Food & Drinks @ 6pm
Volunteer Thank You to follow.
Winston Heights-Mountview AGM @ 7:00pm
(*membership required to vote, memberships will be available at the door or follow this link to complete the form online.)
*Please note the print newsletter has a cover error, Thursday May 19, is the correct date.
Let us know you’ll becoming by signing up here!
Winston Heights-Mountview May eNewsletter
May 13, 2016
Annual Events for 2016/2017
“Act III” an Elder Friendly Community – Fall Schedule
August 17, 2015
“Act III”, an Elder Friendly Community serving Winston Heights Mountview and surrounding communities and meets at the Winston Heights-Mountview Community Centre the first Thursday of every month, usually from 1:30 to 3:30 pm.
Please join us; you are welcome!!
We are a community of older adults who are working to enhance our neighbourhoods by developing a culture of valuing and respecting the wisdom and experience of older adults. We envision a place where there is easy mobility, safety, and services to support aging-in-place. Everyone is included and welcome. Embracing everyone in the community, older adults, families, people from diverse cultures and all those who seek community connections, we identify needs, hold meaningful conversations, generate enthusiasm and facilitate action to become the most inclusive and welcoming community possible.
Embracing everyone in the community, older adults, families, people from diverse cultures and all those who seek community connections, we identify needs, hold meaningful conversations, generate enthusiasm and facilitate action to become the most inclusive and welcoming community possible.
Yoga Classes with Dianne resume on September 8 and continue every Tuesday morning at 9:30 AM at the community hall.
Caring Community Kitchen is up and running. Twelve members of the UU community and Act III came together in the kitchen of the Unitarian Church on Saturday, July 11 in the first Caring Cooking Connection using money received from the Calgary Foundation Stepping Stones Grant. A wonderful meal was created: Curry Glazed Chicken with rice, garden fresh chard, and a green salad freshly picked from the garden as well. After the cooking, a communal meal, and kitchen clean-up, 12 more meals were stored in the freezer for distribution to those in need in the wider community.
Our next event will be Wednesday, September 23 from 5-8pm. The menu will be determined the week of cooking. Please email Bev ( if you would like more information or to attend.
ACT III Book Study resumes in October. Our book will be Composing a Further Life: The Age of Active Wisdom by Mary Catherine Bateson. We will meet every second Thursday from 10:30 am to 12:00 noon. Mark your calendar for Oct 15, 29, Nov 12, 26, and Dec 10.
Neighbours Helping Neighbours TimeBank Project is underway!
We also have a great line up of speakers for our fall meetings:
Protect your Health – Heart and Stroke Foundation – September 3, 1:30 PM
Stacey Stewart Coordinator, Health Promotion
This presentation reviews the basis physiology of a heart attack and a stroke as well as the symptoms of each. We provide detail about the risk factors of a heart attack and stroke. This includes nutrition, blood pressure, coping with stress, managing diabetes and many more.
Stacey is the Health Promotion Coordinator for the Heart and Stroke Foundation in Alberta. She will also bring the blood pressure machines to offer free blood pressure checks. It is very important to get your blood pressure checked every couple years as one in five Canadians have high blood pressure and it is known as the silent killer because it has no symptoms.
Nutrition Considerations As We Get Older – October 1, 1:30 PM
Molly Mackinnon, Certified Holistic Nutritionist
This presentation will look at nutrition and what we eat as our primary medicine towards Optimal Health for each and every individual. As Mahatma Gandhi said, “It is health that is real wealth, and not pieces of gold and silver.” This will be an educational session with take-home information to enhance your current health status. There will be lots of time for Q & A.
Molly Mackinnon is a Certified Holistic Nutritionist, passionate to share and support your journey.
Her approach is to provide research-based information together with simple and effective techniques. Your Journey, your Goals, your Choices.
Age Friendly Alberta! – November 5, 1:30 PM
Deirdre Maclean, Regional Advisor, Alberta Seniors
For all ACT III events and information, contact Maidie at or Sidney at (403) 705-7559.
ACT III partners with Caribbean 50 Plus Association and we are welcome to attend their meetings held on Saturdays from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM at the Winston Heights-Mountview Community Centre:
Saturday, September 19 Presentation -Travels to China.
Saturday, October 17 Presentation –Canada’s new Immigration laws
Contact Verona for more information: (403) 590-1313