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Today! Park n’ Play & Stay n’ Play: August 18-22

August 18, 2014

Children SilhouettsPark n’ Play and Stay n’ Play

Free City of Calgary outdoor drop-in recreation program for children
WHMCA Community Hall, 520 – 27 Avenue NE
August 18 – 22, 2014

For ages 6 to 12, 10am – 3:30pm. Park ‘n’ Play is a free outdoor drop-in program. Join in the fun with games, crafts and other activities. Children will be divided into two age groups where possible (ages 6-8 and 9-12), with age appropriate activities planned.

For ages 3 to 5, 10 a.m. – noon Stay ‘n’ Play is a free outdoor drop-in program. Join in the fun with games, crafts and other activities. An adult/guardian, whose participation in the programs is mandatory, must accompany their child/children throughout the duration of the program. For the

Social Media – Where do you get your information?

August 4, 2014


We are so close to 2 mile stones:

So remember, if you want to know more and stay connected:

  • Take this linkfacebook-icon and then give us a “like” so you can get a direct feed of the latest posts into your time line.
  • Follow us on twitter-icon to get quick updates about this community and the surrounding areas.
  • Follow us on insta-icon to ‘see’ what’s been happening in the Winston Heights-Mountview community (tag your community pictures with #whmca so we can all share in the fun).

Only 2 Spots Left!! – Casino Night Aug 19&20

July 4, 2014


Only 2 spots available!!


We are looking for your help. Yes, you! Whether you volunteer regularly, once in a while, thought about it or have never done it before, this is your chance to join us! We are looking for a range of volunteers to help throughout the year with different projects. A few examples are:

  • Casino Night
  • Rinks
  • Community Garden
  • Community Clean Ups
  • Communications
  • Winston Heights-Mountview Community Association Board

On August 19 & 20 we have our biggest fund raising event of the year. If you’d like to join us please follow this link to sign up:

If you’d like to join us for other opportunities or if you’d like to be added to a list to receive emails with volunteer opportunities reply to indicating you’d like to help us help the community!


Today: Pre-Stampede Party

June 28, 2014

DSC_0893Winston Heights/Mountview Pre-Stampede Party Save-The-Date: June 28th from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.!

Save the date for our 2014 Winston Heights/Mountview Pre-Stampede Party. We’ll have loads of entertainment and food for folks of all ages. Butterfield Acres will be on hand again this year with their cuddly little critters in their petting zoo. We’ll also have face painters, balloon artists and live entertainment! The BarberElla’s will be on had to sing for us, as well as the Winston Heights Mountview school Choir, so save the date for this fun event! We’ll have a free bar-b-que and all the fixings for Community Members to come on out and enjoy. Memberships will be available for purchase at the event at the memberships table, or you can purchase a ticket for the bar-b-que at a cost of $5.
If you’d like to volunteer for this event, we’d love to hear from you! We’re looking for people to help set-up for the event the morning of the event, as well as tear down after. We’ll need people to help prepare the food the evening before and morning of the event, as well as people to help out in the kitchen cleaning up after.

For further information, or to sign up to volunteer, please contact Mary-Beth Walsh at; or (403) 209-1691.

Tonight: Mom’s Night Out – Last One of the Season

June 26, 2014


Come and join us for our Moms’ Night Out. We’re always looking for suggestions on restaurants to try out, so if you’ve not yet joined us, but would like to come, and know of a place you’d love to go to, contact Mary-Beth at 403-209-1691 or

We’ll be getting together on Thursday, June 26th at 7:30pm, it will be the last one for the season! Location to be announced.

This is a great way to get to meet other women in the neighbourhood for some great food and great conversation. Hope to see you there!

Today: Fitness Classes for the Older Adult

Exercise class at Covenant. (A-J Photo/Joe Don Buckner)


Winston Heights-Mountview Community Association, along with The City of Calgary Recreation Department is happy to offer Fitness Classes for the Older Adult. We will be running three classes this June as a test run for which classes are the most popular. Then starting this September through to December, we will run the two most popular classes based on this Trail Run.

Classes will be at a cost of $5/person, and there is no age requirement, but these classes will be focused on fitness for the older adult. We will hold them in the East hall of the Main Building of the Community Centre located at 520 – 27th Avenue NE. These classes are Drop-In, so there is no need to register, just come on out and enjoy!

The dates for classes will be as follows:

Tuesday, June 10, from 10:00-11:00am; Balance and Strength
Wednesday, June 18, from 9:30-10:30am; Yoga
Thursday, June 26, from 10:00 -11am; Zumba Gold


There will be a tea and coffee service following each classes for people to socialize and get to know their other fitness enthusiasts. We hope you can make it out for this Sneak-a-Peek at these amazing fitness classes so you can provide us with feedback as to which two classes you’d like to see in the fall.

For further information, please contact Mary-Beth Walsh at or at (403) 209-1691.

Tonight: Community Potluck – Last One of the Season

June 20, 2014


Please join us for our last potluck of the season on Friday, June 20, 2014 at the Winston Heights Community Centre from 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Our potlucks will begin again in the fall, stay tuned for dates and times!

Bring a dish to share and anything special you might like to drink (coffee, tea, juice and water are provided) and come on out to meet your neighbours for some great food and ever better company and conversation. We have toys for the kids to keep them occupied and usually we set up a craft table with markers and stickers and big rolls of paper.

If you’ve not yet made it out to potluck but would like to attend and want more information, please contact Mary-Beth at or at 403-209-1691.

Tonight: Munro Park Draft Master Plan Revealed

June 19, 2014


Thank you to all community residents who came out to the open houses, or to the Community Association AGM, and shared your vision for the future of Munro Park.

IBI Group, the consulting firm engaged by the City of Calgary, incorporated the input from community members and will present the Draft Master Plan to the community on Thursday June 19 at 7 p.m. Come out to the Community Hall to see the Draft Plan and to hear about the implementation strategies and phasing priorities. Residents will be able to confirm the park design and provide further input for refinements of the Master Plan.

See you there!

Today: Fitness Classes for the Older Adult

June 18, 2014

Exercise class at Covenant. (A-J Photo/Joe Don Buckner)


Winston Heights-Mountview Community Association, along with The City of Calgary Recreation Department is happy to offer Fitness Classes for the Older Adult. We will be running three classes this June as a test run for which classes are the most popular. Then starting this September through to December, we will run the two most popular classes based on this Trail Run.

Classes will be at a cost of $5/person, and there is no age requirement, but these classes will be focused on fitness for the older adult. We will hold them in the East hall of the Main Building of the Community Centre located at 520 – 27th Avenue NE. These classes are Drop-In, so there is no need to register, just come on out and enjoy!

The dates for classes will be as follows:

Tuesday, June 10, from 10:00-11:00am; Balance and Strength
Wednesday, June 18, from 9:30-10:30am; Yoga
Thursday, June 26, from 10:00 -11am; Zumba Gold


There will be a tea and coffee service following each classes for people to socialize and get to know their other fitness enthusiasts. We hope you can make it out for this Sneak-a-Peek at these amazing fitness classes so you can provide us with feedback as to which two classes you’d like to see in the fall.

For further information, please contact Mary-Beth Walsh at or at (403) 209-1691.