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CHANGE of DATE! Moms’ Night Out

March 12, 2014

mno3 Change of Date!!

Come and join us for our Moms’ Night Out. We’re always looking for suggestions on restaurants to try out, so if you’ve not yet joined us, but would like to come, and know of a place you’d love to go to, contact Mary-Beth at 403-209-1691 or

We’ll be getting together at Nicastro’s Restaurant, 2820 Centre Street NE on Wednesday, March 19th , 7:30pm. The following Mums’ Night Out will be on April 17th, 2014, location is TBA.

This is a great way to get to meet other women in the neighbourhood for some great food and great conversation. Hope to see you there!

TODAY! Adventures in Creative Aging! Info Session!

family services logo

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Course Topics:

Week 1: Aging and Staging

Week 2: Eldering and Mentoring

Week 3: Past Hurts and Present Needs

Week 4: Harvesting Your Life

Week 5: Building Community

Week 6: Completing Your Own Journey

Week 7: Taking the Long View

Week 8: Celebrating Your Life Through Continuous Learning

An information session for the Creative Aging course will be held on Wednesday, March 12, 12:30pm at the Winston Heights Mountview Community Hall. Please bring along any friends who may be interested in this 8-week course. The course itself will run on Tuesdays, April 1 to May 20, 1:00 to 3:30pm.

What You Missed: Munro Park Vissioning Review

March 11, 2014

munro park landscape

Not everyone could make it to the Munro Park Visioning Session last night so here’s a little background. The idea behind the meeting wasn’t to decide what the park would become after this redevelopment but to help decide on the direction to go with the park over the future (the vision over the next 10-15 years), a plan to follow.

Here’s a quick look at topics that were discussed:

  • Things we like about the current park
    • The list wasn’t long but the top 2 were:
      • Age and size of trees as well as size of the park
      • The life brought to the park by the soccer players and their families
  • Things we don’t like about the current park
    • Most people had the same concerns:
      • Homeless and vagrants
      • Lack of amenities
      • Issues with parking when events are taking place
  • Ideas/Suggestions of things the community members would like to see in the park
    • These are simply a guide from the community for developers. For lack of a better term, a WISHLIST, in NO particular order, and that may not come to life because of budget, zoning and park size:
      • Cafe
      • Patio space for restaurants across the alley on south side of park
      • Better incorporate the bus stop so it invites people into the park
      • Remove most/all of fencing (save the area by the playground)
      • Upgrade the play ground
      • Walking paths and bermed soccer pitch (possibly rotating from current location)
      • Ability to flood above mentioned for possible skating in winter (making the park year round fun)
      • Picnic tables and benches
      • Flowers and/or flowering trees and shrubs
      • Skateboard park (part of the city’s Skateboarding Amenities Strategy or
      • A water fountain
      • Under planting of trees for the continual growth of new trees
      • Incorporate the parks history

**This is just a small sample of ideas that were brought up. In no way is this a complete and comprehensive list of ideas nor the defining vision of the park.

If you have more ideas/suggestions on the vision of the park please join us at the next event on April 16, 2014 and then the final presentation on May 14, 2014 at the WHM Community Hall.

Mom’s Night Out

mno3Come and join us for our Moms’ Night Out. We’re always looking for suggestions on restaurants to try out, so if you’ve not yet joined us, but would like to come, and know of a place you’d love to go to, contact Mary-Beth at 403-209-1691 or

We’ll be getting together at Nicastro’s Restaurant, 2820 Centre Street NE on Wednesday, March 19th , 7:30pm. The following Mums’ Night Out will be on April 17th, 2014, location is TBA.

This is a great way to get to meet other women in the neighbourhood for some great food and great conversation. Hope to see you there!

You’re invited to participate: Action Plan 2015-2018

March 10, 2014

action plan

The City of Calgary Action Plan 2015-2018 is everyone’s opportunity to help shape Calgary’s future. From roads to recreation centres, from flood response to City finances, what is important to you?

Starting March 3, Calgarians can also have their say online through three different online tools until March 21st:

  • Budget Simulator: consider City services and make some tough choices on spending priorities, based on the impacts to service that each scenario presents
  • City Priorities Tool: Tell us your priorities and what you want The City to focus on for the next four years
  • CityTalk: an open forum, where you can submit ideas, comments and thoughts on City spending, priorities and budget. Other citizens can then comment and vote on submitted ideas, or start another thread of discussion themselves.

Information collected during citizen engagement events and through the online tools are key inputs into Action Plan 2015 – 2018. A detailed summary of all ideas and suggestions will be given to Council and City departments for consideration as council priorities, business plans and budgets are being developed during 2014. As well, a summary of citizen engagement will be announced publicly in April and shared on the Action Plan website.

Edmonton Trl Road Reconstruction – update and SURVEY

EdmontonTrIn 2013, Edmonton Trail, from 28 to 41 Avenues N.E. was reconstructed under the Major Roads Reconstruction Program*. Prior to, and throughout construction, we communicated with businesses and residents about the construction and how it would affect them.

In order to gauge the effectiveness of communication during the project, we are asking residents and businesses to complete an online survey, which is posted on the project web page at The survey will be open until March 17. Through a mail drop in the community, we are advising residents and businesses about the survey, and providing an update on the project (see attached). This information is also included in upcoming community association newsletters. We will use survey results to improve communication during future road reconstruction projects.

Upcoming work – 2014

The next phase of the Edmonton Trail Road Reconstruction project includes the area from 16 Avenue to 28 Avenue N.E. This work is planned to start in spring 2014 and should be complete by fall 2014. Any minor work not completed in 2014, such as landscaping, will be completed the following spring.

The primary focus of this work is on removing the existing pavement and rebuilding the roadway to improve the road’s condition. The road will not be widened during construction. Streetlights will be replaced and sidewalks and driveways will be rebuilt as required. Any existing landscaping disturbed during construction will be repaired.

Also in the spring of 2014, crews will complete any minor remaining work in the area from 28-41 Avenues, such as concrete and landscaping work next to the road.

*Major Roads Reconstruction Program

The City of Calgary has a program in place dedicated to reconstructing Calgary’s aging roadways – the Major Roads Reconstruction Program. Elbow Drive, between 4 Street and Glenmore Tr. S.W., and Centre Street, between 42 Avenue and 54 Avenues, have already been reconstructed under this program.

Edmonton Trail, from 16 Avenue to 41 Avenue, is the next major roadway on the list for reconstruction. The project started in 2013 and will be completed over two years.

For more information

• Please call 311 if you require more information.

Heritage Roundtable – Celebrating Comm. Initiatives

heritageJoin Heritage Roundtable on March 19th to celebrate community based heritage initiatives!

Local community representatives from The Britannia Community Association, The Bowness Historical Society, The Shaganappi Community Association, and The Calgary Public Library will share their experiences and insights into pro-actively promoting and enriching community character through grassroots neighbourhood initiatives. Come learn how communities have overcome challenges, engaged their stakeholders, increased awareness of historical resources and enhanced their local sense of place.

Location: Ramsay Community Hall, 1136 8 Street SE

Time: 7-9pm, Sign in begins at 6:30 with refreshments

To register click here:

16 Ave & 19 St Interchange Functional Planning Study

traffic lightsPlease join us on Thursday, March 13, 2014 at the Crossraods Community Association from 5-8pm to view the final recommended option, learn about how public input was incorporated into the decision-making process and hear about the next steps of the project as it moves to City Council for approval.

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Adventures in Creative Aging!

family services logo

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Course Topics:

Week 1: Aging and Staging

Week 2: Eldering and Mentoring

Week 3: Past Hurts and Present Needs

Week 4: Harvesting Your Life

Week 5: Building Community

Week 6: Completing Your Own Journey

Week 7: Taking the Long View

Week 8: Celebrating Your Life Through Continuous Learning

An information session for the Creative Aging course will be held on Wednesday, March 12, 12:30pm at the Winston Heights Mountview Community Hall. Please bring along any friends who may be interested in this 8-week course. The course itself will run on Tuesdays, April 1 to May 20, 1:00 to 3:30pm.

Conversation Cafe

March 5, 2014


Older Adults to Gather in Community Hall on Thursday March 6 at 1:00!


Please bring your ideas to a conversation about what older adults need and want in our community. We will meet in the “East Hall” of the Community Hall, 520 27 Ave. NE, at 1:00, enjoy some coffee and tea and a few sweets, and talk about what matters most to you. This event is being organized by Sidney at Calgary Family Services after consulting with the Community Association Board. If you want more information or just to tell Sidney that you will be there, contact her at 403-705-7559 or