July 21, 2015

Phase 2 of the Community Garden is almost complete. The beds, pathways, and perimeter plantings are all in place in the new south leg and a pergol frames the gathering spot. Just a few last minute projects to finish and we’ll be ready for the Grand Opening. Join us at the WHMCA Community Garden on August 12th at 7:00 p.m. for the celebration!
Tickets available until July 30, 2015
To purchase tickets you can email events@winstonheights.ca or follow this link to purchase them online:
Space is limited!
July 20, 2015
The Calgary Elks L&GC is holding an open house for all those interested in learning more about the development plans for their club house.
Where: WHM Community Centre – East Hall
When: Monday July 20, 2015 @ 7:30pm
Calgary Elks Facebook & Twitter
June 21, 2015

Last September, WHMCA won a Little Free Library from the CBC Calgary Eyeopener radio program. Over the winter, local artist Yvette DuBois has turned the bare plywood box into a magical little house. The Library will contain only children’s books and will be set at a height just right for little people. Come by on June 21 between 11:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. to see it in the Centennial Garden and purchase a book at our Centennial Garden Book Sale. All proceeds will go to enhancing the Centennial Garden.
March 19, 2013
Free Tax Preparation Clinics at Winston Heights-Mountview Community Hall for eligible individuals.
Need a hand with your 2012 tax return?
The Winston Heights-Mountview Community Association and our community volunteers, in conjunction with Canada Revenue Agency, are pleased to introduce the Community Volunteer Income Tax Program to Winston Heights-Mountview and surrounding communities. Volunteer tax preparers will assist individuals who have low income and simple tax situations prepare and file their 2012 tax returns at no charge. Eligible taxpayers normally served by this program are seniors, or single parent families, or social assistance recipients, or students or newcomers that have low income.
This year tax preparation clinics will be held on April 4, 11, 18, 25 from 2:00 – 4:00 PM at the Winston Heights-Mountview Community Hall. Please call Willa Dene Dohy at 403-277- 3736 to book your appointment.
Can you lend a hand for this program? Volunteer tax preparers and assistants are needed to help with this program. Training, software, and equipment is provided for your position. Please call Lenore Eaton at 403-276-3798 if you would like to help out.

February 26, 2013
Avenue Magazine is calling out to all Calgarians to complete the 2013 Best Neighbourhoods Survey. This year, the winning neighbourhood will win a bloc party hosted by Avenue. Winners will be announced in the August issue, but the deadline to complete the survey is this Thursday, February 28! All you have to do is answer a few questions about what you find most valuable in a neighbourhood. Of course you should also mention how much you enjoy living in Winston Heights-Mountview.
It only takes ten minutes. Follow the link to complete the survey now: Avenue Magazine’s 2013 Best Neighbourhoods Survey

“Avenue is the premier city lifestyle magazine celebrating two of Alberta’s largest cities through Avenue Calgary and Avenue Edmonton“