Latest News

2 New Kids Programs Coming to the Community (Spring and Summer)

April 29, 2017

Fill your Summer with our Music & Art classes. 30 minutes of music and 30 minutes of art for a full hour of fun! Come to one class, or come to them all! We offer a variety of classes so there’s always something suitable for your child’s age and developmental stage.




More Sports

We offer sport-specific classes in addition to our renowned early-years multi-sport programs, and we’ve recently integrated semi-competitive classes and fitness programs for older children.

More Skills

Ball, racquet or net: our expertly coached, skill-based programs are designed to promote physical literacy and build self-confidence, so every kid can get in the game – and stay in the game.

More Fun

We know that kids learn best when they’re having fun, and kids have fun when they’re at the top of their own game. That’s why we’re passionate about keeping the play in ball!




Rink – End of Season Removal: April 22

April 19, 2017

It was a great season but Spring is in the air! We will be dismantling the rink on Saturday, April 22. If you can help out please email

If anyone owns a truck that would be of great help, also please remember to bring gloves and a drill if you have one.  In the event of poor weather, we will postpone until the following day, Sunday April 23rd.
If you are interested in volunteering on the Rink Committee, whether it be to help build, tear down, flood or with helping to organize and plan you can also email!

AGM Special Resolution: Bylaw Update – May 30, 2017

April 17, 2017

At the Annual General Meeting on May 30 at 7pm a Special Resolution to update the organization’s bylaws will be put forward to the membership of Winston Heights-Mountview Community Association.

The last update to our bylaws was made in May 2010 and over the past seven years Directors have, from time to time, recommended changes which this Special Resolution aims to address. These recommended edits are proposed in order to:

  1. Update Membership sections to reflect the current practice of Memberships being by household rather than by individual.
  2. Expand Associate Membership to include businesses and not just individuals who live outside the community.
  3. Allow a limited number of Associate Members to serve as Directors.
  4. Expand Conflict of Interest to include more than “tender or contract to be submitted to the Association.”
  5. Improve consistency of language throughout the document.
All members are encouraged to review the proposed changes in detail here and provide any comments or direct any questions to DJ Kelly at prior to the meeting.

The Winston Heights-Mountview Refugee Response (WHMRR) Fundraiser

The Winston Heights-Mountview Refugee Response (WHMRR) invites you and your family to a fundraiser for the Syrian family supported by so many wonderful residents of the Winston Heights-Mountview community.  All of the proceeds of the fundraiser will go to the family’s significant upcoming expenses.  Please take this opportunity to meet our wonderful newcomer family!
The fundraiser will take place at the WHMCA Hall on May 26 2017 with a buffet style dinner of traditional Syrian food served from 5:30-8:30 pm. Tickets are $20, but children 12 and under can join and eat for free. Alcoholic beverages will be available for purchase at the event.
Tickets can be purchased through EventBrite by searching WHMRR, using this link, or you can find the link (and updates from us!) on our blog at:
Thank you to the community of Winston Heights-Mountview for your ongoing support for this worthwhile cause. We look forward to seeing you at the dinner!
– Winston Heights-Mountview Refugee Response

2 New Kids Programs Coming to the Community (Spring and Summer)

April 3, 2017

Fill your Summer with our Music & Art classes. 30 minutes of music and 30 minutes of art for a full hour of fun! Come to one class, or come to them all! We offer a variety of classes so there’s always something suitable for your child’s age and developmental stage.




More Sports

We offer sport-specific classes in addition to our renowned early-years multi-sport programs, and we’ve recently integrated semi-competitive classes and fitness programs for older children.

More Skills

Ball, racquet or net: our expertly coached, skill-based programs are designed to promote physical literacy and build self-confidence, so every kid can get in the game – and stay in the game.

More Fun

We know that kids learn best when they’re having fun, and kids have fun when they’re at the top of their own game. That’s why we’re passionate about keeping the play in ball!




March is Community Association Awareness Month! Do you have your membership?

March 5, 2017


Become a Member: (please note the membership year is not the calendar year, it runs from April 1, 2017 – March 31, 2018)

We invite you – and each of your neighbours – to join the Winston Heights-Mountview Community Association by getting this year’s (2017/2018) residents membership FREE.

Your community association does many things for you and your neighbours. For example, we:

  • Host community events such as the Stampede BBQ, Community Recycling Day and the Santa Claus Breakfast;
  • Work with the City to comment on proposed developments and to address traffic issues;
  • Keep you informed about your neighbourhood via a monthly newsletter, e-newsletter, Facebook and Twitter; and
  • Maintain the Community Hall, which includes four rentable halls, basketball hoops and the hockey rink for your use.

Over the past couple of years your community association has also built the:

  • Community Garden;
  • 7th Street Playground;
  • Two demonstration Rain Gardens;
  • Centennial Garden;
  • and we are currently working with the City to finish the Munro Park redevelopment.

There are many benefits to holding a membership in your Community Association:

  • Discounts or free admission to community events or programs; and
  • Finding out about, and having your voice heard on, issues affecting the neighbourhood.

For residents to join the Winston Heights-Mountview Community Association (free for the 2017/2018 year) please complete this form.

For non-residents or businesses (associates members) to join the Winston Heights-Mountview Community Association ($10 for the 2017/2018 year) please complete this form. (You will be redirected to PayPal upon submission).

Please Note:

If you DO NOT complete the paypal payment at the end of the form your information WILL NOT be processed and you will be required to RESUBMIT the form.

Also note the membership year is not the calendar year, it runs from April 1, 2016 – March 31, 2017

Community Relations Open House – February 21, 2017

February 8, 2017

Do you want to volunteer but not sure how or in what way?
Contribute to the newsletter?
Have suggestions to help increase and maintain memberships?
Interested in taking pictures for our Social Media?

Well we’d love to have a chat, hear what you have to say and share information about what we do.

Join us February 21 @ 6:30pm in the West Hall at the Community Centre.

Theft Alert!

January 16, 2017

Sweeper Stolen from the Winston Heights-Mountview Community Association Rink

At approximately 5am on Saturday January 14, 2017 a sweeper (Ariens 24” sweeper, model 920014 with an NCE Enterprises Inc. decal) was stolen from the Winston Heights-Mountview Community Association Rink.  This is used by community volunteers to help clear the ice at the outdoor rink.  The Calgary Police Service has been notified but any information to track down the sweeper would be great!

In the bottom picture you can see a stock photo of the sweeper.  Additionally, we have included 2 pictures from our security cameras, of a black truck of interest, driving into and then leaving the storage area:

Above: Truck driving in with decal clearly visible.

Below: Truck driving out, with what appears to be the sweeper in question high lighted in red.

If you have any information you can contact us directly at 403-681-9142 or by email: or reach out to the Calgary Police Service: 403-266-1234