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Community Rink Build 2016: October 15 @ 10AM

October 5, 2016


Winston Heights-Mountview Community Rink Build!

WHEN: Saturday, Oct 15, 2016 @ 10AM

WHERE: Winston Heights-Mountview Community Centre

If you can help just come to the Community Centre and we’ll guide you!

Have gently used or unneeded equipment and skates (all types welcome)? We are happy to accept donations to increase inventory to provide more free equipment use to members of the community on Community Skate Night.


Here’s what others think of the rink!

10 Best Outdoor Shinny Rinks In and Around Calgary

Mondays! Playgroup is back!

September 29, 2016


playgroup info 6x3625

Are you a mom, dad, grandparent or caregiver in the neighbourhood and would like to have a place to go to meet other people and have your children socialize and play with others? Then come and join us at the Winston Heights-Mountview Playgroup held at the Winston Heights-Mountview Community Centre. We have great toys for the kids to play with and this is a great way to get out and meet others. Playgroup is held each Monday morning starting at 10:00 a.m. and lasts to 11:30 a.m (starting up again September 12, 2016).

This is an informal, non-registered playgroup, so no need to sign up, just come out and join us on Monday mornings – we love to meet new families in the neighbourhood! If you have any questions, or would like more information, please contact Sarah Wiedmer Jarabak at

Also, if you’d be interested in having a ‘story time’ during playgroup, please contact me via e-mail. If we have enough interest, I will organize a Calgary Public Library public outreach coordinator to schedule us in for regular story times. They bring books on a specific theme and read a few to the children while guardians quietly visit. The books are even available to be checked out if you bring your library card with you.

Tomorrow, so sign-up Today! Re-tree: Free Tree Education!

September 27, 2016

2016-0563 ReTree YYC digital button B

The Understory – a program about planting under trees, brought to WHMCA by the City of Calgary Re-tree initiative.
September is not too early to plan for our yards and gardens in the spring!

Join us Wednesday September 28 from 7 to 8:30 in the East Hall of the Community Centre for “The Understory” a program about planting under trees, brought to WHMCA by the City of Calgary Re-tree initiative.

Are you finding it difficult to grow anything under that tree in your backyard? In the Under Story you will learn all about successful ways to plan and create a personalized garden under and around your trees. This program describes a variety of plant species that could be perfect for planting near your tree. We also show you real garden examples of how an understory can evolve over time. After this program you will walk away with a wealth of information that you can apply to ‘sprucing’ up the area around your trees.

The learning objectives of The Understory are:

  1. What is the understory and why is it important.
  2. How to plan and create your understory.
  3. The challenges of creating an understory.
  4. Design tips for creating the understory.
  5. The various plants to grow in your understory.
  6. Shade loving plants.
  7. Shrubs.
  8. Conifers.
  9. Ground covers.
  10. Vines.
  11. The difference between mulch and compost.
  12. The various mulch options and benefits of each.

Community Clean-Up: Saturday Sept. 24, 2016!

September 23, 2016


WHEN: Saturday, September 24, 2016 9am – 2pm*
*City Trucks LEAVE at 2pm

WHERE: Winston Heights-Mountview Community Centre

Services provided by:
City of Calgary
Action Tyre Ltd.
Recon Metal
Technotrash AB Ltd.

New Addition!
*WINS (Women in Need Society)*

Follow this LINK for a list of items accepted by WINS

Sponsor Accepted
Action Tyre Ltd. Tires, Wheels, Car Batteries
City of Calgary
Solid Waste Services
Larger items and/or yard waste that are not picked up by weekly garbage trucks
Recon Metal
(Metal Recyling)
Metal (stoves, washers, dryers, etc.)
Small clean appliances
Rebar, scrap metal, cast iron
Motor blocks
Technotrash AB Ltd.
(Electronics Recyling)
Computer and related items
Cell phones and accessories
Home entertainment (stereos, TVs, etc.)
Office electronics
Wires and cables

Funded by the City of Calgary Animal and By-law Services

Organized by the Winston Heights-Mountview Community Association

For Volunteer Opportunities contact:
*We are in need of “Afternoon Unloaders” (assist people with materials at drop off)
or visit:
Community Clean-Up 2016

“Act III” an Elder Friendly Community

Older Adults of Winston Heights Mountview and surrounding communities, akaActIII

An Elder Friendly Community looking for older adults who would like to join us in monthly meetings and activities including coffee & conversation, guest speakers, TED talks and discussions, day trips, book studies, book club, games & cards and …

Regular monthly meetings occur the third Wednesday of the month in the North Hall in the Community Centre, September through June at 1:30 pm

note: September, 2016 only will meet at 10 am

September 21 10:00AM TED talk and discussion about climate change
October 19 1:30PM Guest speaker to be decided
November 16 1:30PM Games – bring your favourite and a friend?
December 21 1:00PM Holiday potluck, party, White Elephant gift exchange game

Interested in finding out more? Email: or phone Pat at 403-226-0181

Yoga for the older adult to September 13th at 9:30

Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer Opportunities:

Committees and Groups to Join

Act III Neil
Activities & Events Kari
BookClub Kendra
Centennial Garden Linda
Community Garden Stephanie
Community Relations Karl and DJ
Facilities & Operations Don
Finance Don
Heritage Linda
Mom’s Night Out Christine
Munro Park Redevelopment Karl
Planning & Development Kris
Playgroup Sarah
Traffic Ian

As you can see, we do have a couple of vacant positions within these committees/groups and without the help of volunteers these committees/groups have difficulty functioning or even worse aren’t able to exist to function.  If you are interested in joining any of these committees/groups as the lead, or to assist with meetings and organizing of event or just to volunteer to assist at the time of the activity or event we would love to have you!  You can email directly with the above email address or send to:

Tonight! – Community Walk: Mount View 1916-2016

August 24, 2016


Mount View 1916-2016

Celebrate our community’s heritage by joining Linda Anne Sharp, WHMCA Heritage Committee Chair, for a look back 100 years to our community’s roots. Starting in the southwest corner of Munro Park we will walk through the original Mountview part of the neighbourhood and imagine what Mountview looked like in 1916, compared to the present day.

Wednesday, August 24 7 p.m.