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Membership and AGM 2020-2021

April 29, 2020

Become a Member of the Winston Heights-Mountview Community Association!

(please note the membership year runs from April 1 – March 31)

We would like to invite you to renew or purchase your membership for 2020/2021!  For the coming year, we have implemented a new optional $10 membership fee.

The community association wants to ensure all Winston Heights-Mountview residents have memberships, so we would like to offer to anyone who might be struggling during these difficult times an “opt-out” option for this year’s fee.

It’s important that all members of the community have access to the resources available to them and membership allows us to keep you in the loop about what’s happening in the neighbourhood!

Your community association does many things for you:

  • Hosts community engagement events such as the Neighbour Day BBQ, Community Recycling Day and the Santa Claus Breakfast

  • Works with the City to comment on proposed developments and to address traffic issues

  • Keeps you informed about your neighbourhood via eNewsletter, website, and social media

  • Maintains the community hall, which includes four rentable halls, basketball hoops, gardens and the hockey rink for your use

Our biggest achievement in the past year was replacing the rink boards, which was done by the dedicated work of amazing community volunteers!

Benefits of membership include:

  • Discounts or free admission to community events or programs

  • The opportunity to have your voice heard on issues affecting the neighbourhood

  • Discounted rates for hall rentals

To join the Winston Heights-Mountview Community Association (for the 2020/2021 year) please complete this form.

Please Note:

As a result of the hall closure due to the provincial state of emergency, memberships & payments will be processed online.  

Our AGM has been postponed, please stay tuned for updated information.

Thank you and stay safe!

Cohousing Development Focus Group

April 22, 2020

Are you curious about the possibility of being part of a
new cohousing neighbourhood in Winston Heights-Mountview?

30 households are wanted for a Focus Group for
The Munro Cohousing Project on April 27at 7:00 pm
Please register here.

Cohousing communities are intentional, collaborative neighbourhoods that combine extensive common facilities with private homes to create strong and successful housing developments. Cohousing is not a financial or legal model, but rather a descriptive term that shows the intent of these developments to cultivate a strong sense of community through extensive common facilities and active collaboration of the residents.

Prairie Sky Cohousing
Did you know that for 16 year Prairie Sky Cohousing, Calgary’s  original cohousing project, has been quietly creating an oasis of neighbourliness on the corner of 30 Ave NE and Edmonton Trail?  Also, the best gardens on Edmonton Trail!

The Munro Cohousing Project
Cohousing Connections is working with a team of local professionals to explore the appetite for a cohousing project at 502, 508, 512 -17 Ave NE.
What an amazing location! Across from an amazing park, close to a wonderful off-leash area, bike paths, groceries, recreation center, schools, pubs and the highway out of town!  The image above is from previous work done on the site and is shared as inspiration! The founding group of cohousing owners will participate in the design of this new project.

Community Street Cleaning

Click here for City Of Calgary information.

Need somewhere to park while your street is being cleaned?

With the Winston Heights-Mountview Community Hall closed for activities, there is plenty of room for residents to use our parking lot for temporary parking while your street is being cleaned.

**Please remember to follow Government social distancing rules as you drop-off and pickup your vehicle.

**Please avoid overnight parking.

Fun In The Community: Scavenger Hunt & Window Walk

April 9, 2020

This has been such a big city-wide hit!  Here are the next few weeks of Window Walk Ideas!


A community-wide personal distancing/socially connected scavenger hunt!

We need your input!  Please submit a question and answer for us to include on the scavenger hunt.  Some simple examples:

  • How many houses are for sale on 25th Ave?
  • How many benches at Victory Park playground?
  • How many garden beds in the community garden?


*A big THANK YOU to a thoughtful member of the community, Sarah Manske, for the Scavenger Hunt idea!

Updated COVID-19 Testing in Alberta


Alberta has one of the highest testing rates in the world. In addition to completing as many tests as possible, we are being purposeful in our testing in order to:

  • diagnose and treat individuals at greatest risk
  • trace the spread of the virus so we can identify steps to limit the spread
  • determine how well our public health measures are working.

If you have symptoms

If you are experiencing mild symptoms – cough, fever, shortness of breath, runny nose or sore throat:

If you experience or see someone experiencing severe symptoms of COVID-19, including difficulty breathing, severe chest pain, feelings of confusion or loss of consciousness, call 911 immediately.

Who is being tested

Alberta is testing those at greatest risk of severe illness, including anyone in hospital with a respiratory illness.

Testing is being offered to symptomatic individuals (i.e. cough, fever, runny nose, sore throat or shortness of breath) who:

  • live in continuing care facilities, group homes or other similar congregate settings
  • are aged 65 years or older
  • live with someone aged 65 years or older
  • live in the Calgary zone

Testing is being offered to symptomatic individuals (i.e. cough, fever, runny nose, sore throat or shortness of breath) in the following roles:

  • healthcare workers
  • group home workers and shelter workers
  • first responders, including firefighters and EMS
  • people involved in COVID-19 enforcement, including police, peace officers, bylaw officers, environmental health officers, and fish and wildlife officers
  • correctional facility staff, working in either a provincial or federal facility
  • essential service workers

As the situation evolves, Alberta’s testing approach and priorities will adjust according to need and direction from the chief medical officer of health.

To determine if you need to be tested and next steps, complete the COVID-19 self-assessment for Albertans or the COVID-10 self-assessment for healthcare and shelter workers, enforcement personnel and first responders.