Magic in the Park
Broxburn Vegetable Mobile Market
A Big Thank You!

And The Winners Are!
June 29, 2020
And the winners are…….
Online questions:
- What was the population in private households in 2016?
Answer: 3645
- What Act was established by the Federal Government in 1944 dividing the area south of 25th Ave to 30th Ave and from Edmonton Trail to 6th St. into 60 – one-acre lots?
Answer: Veterans’ Land Act
- In what year was Winston Heights-Mountview registered as an association?
Answer: 1949
- As of 2016, what percentage of Winston Heights-Mountview were immigrants?
Answer: 19%
- When was the Centennial Garden first planted?
Answer: 2009
In the neighbourhood:
- What is the station number of the ambulance building?
Answer: Number 4
- Wayne Gretzky and Kevin Lowe would appreciate the colour scheme of this house. What is the address?
Answer: 475 22 Ave NE
- Name 6 licenced establishments in the community.
Answer: Any of the following: Azzurri, La Luna Rosa, Nixx Pub, Len’s Den, Juliet’s Castle, Capri Steakhouse/Andy’s Lounge, The Winston, Eastern Fortune Restaurant
- Where can you get your furniture upholstered?
Answer: Comfort Upholstering
- At what intersection can you find the Northside Church of Christ?
Answer: 20A Ave and 7 St. NE
- Winston Heights-Mountview was the first community to put in rain gardens in City parks. One is at the community hall and the other can be found at which location?
Answer: Marlowe Pl./17 Ave NE
- How many flags fly at the community hall and which ones are they?
Answer: there are 3 flags: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
- This bird must have been in such a hurry to get to Victory Park that he walked right through the wet cement. What is the nearest intersection or address where these footprints can be found?
Answer: 2409 7th St. NE
- Not all ogopogos live in the Okanagan. This one lives on a crescent in our community.
At what address can it be found?
Answer: 33 Montrose Cres. NE
- What building formerly occupied the area between Midfield Park and the Ambassador Motel? (Hint: everyone on the Board of Directors knows the answer)
Answer: RCMP District Office
- What colour is the door on the house at 518 20th Ave.?
Answer: Any of: robin’s egg blue, teal, turquoise
- What can you easily see two of at the end of the walkway at 2 – 17th Ave?
Answer: Two coloured rocks
- What type of animal statue is located on the front step at 437 19th Ave?
Answer: A pig
- What type of business is located at 445 19 Ave?
Answer: Tax Services
- Where could you get your homeowner’s insurance?
Answer: Del Fisher
Centennial Garden Volunteers
Our community hall, with it’s adjoining gardens and playground are the heart of our community and bring our families together to play and learn. The centennial garden is the beautiful flower garden in front of our community hall and we are recruiting for our Centennial Garden Care Team. This garden was designed and developed on the 100th anniversary of our community and is maintained by community volunteers. Over the years there have been a few changes to improve the space and to lighten the workload. We now have an installed sprinkler system and that has helped our plants to survive and thrive.
This season we were impacted by the COVID-19 measures and were not able to clean up and weed the garden as we normally do. There was a point where the dandelions outnumbered the plants and shrubs. In the past month, we have been able to get out to clean up and it shows. Quite a bit of the garden has been weeded thanks to a few volunteers who have stepped forward to join the care team. We have also been gifted a few flowers for our plant pots. We cannot say thank you enough to each and every one of you!! We need additional care team volunteers to help make this garden an ongoing success.
Next steps; we are organizing an adopt a garden section program. We need volunteers who can adopt a small piece of the garden to keep it weed-free. By breaking the garden into smaller sections it will not be so overwhelming as you only have to focus on your area and you can count on your team members to do the same for theirs. Each section would be about 7 feet by 3 feet (that’s about the size of one of the garden beds in our community garden). You can take on a section yourself or together with a friend. If you are looking for a smaller section, don’t hesitate, we welcome all helping hands.
Think of the section to be adopted as from one rock and another, from a rock to a tree, from rock to sidewalk…no matter how small we welcome you.
If interested please contact Marcia at centennialgarden@winstonheight
See you in the garden.
Neighbour Day Scavenger Hunt 2020 – Questions and Submission Form
June 18, 2020
Welcome to the Winston Heights-Mountview Neighbour Day Scavenger Hunt!
All answers must be submitted by 9pm Saturday, June 20th to be entered into a draw for a gift card from community businesses.
Answers can be found online or out in the neighbourhood.
Please remember to practice social distancing of 2 metres while you’re out hunting!
(The boundaries of the community are 34th Ave to 16th Ave and Edmonton Tr. to Deerfoot)
Scavenger Hunt – Neighbour Day June 20, 2020
June 3, 2020
Get your family together to find the answers to 20 questions about our neighbourhood! Questions will be available on the website at 9 am on Neighbour Day (June 20) and must be submitted by 9 pm to be entered into a draw to win gift cards to local businesses. Questions will encourage families to discover the community both online and outdoors!
Please be respectful of your neighbours and remember to practice social distancing of 2 metres.
Don’t forget to use the hashtags #WHMCA # WHMscavengerhunt #TDparkpeoplegrant
This will be a great opportunity to get to know your community and safely meet some new neighbours!
Email for more details or to submit scavenger hunt questions!