December 23, 2016
WHMCA is looking for relief hall staff every other weekend (early morning and possibly mid day – approx 6 hours every other week, 12 hours per month). Perfect for a student or retiree! Role requires some heavy lifting. Please call or email Caleigh at 4035896828 or to apply for this role.
December 16, 2016
Looking for feedback

Currently we have 7 sandwich boards. We are looking at replacing them, but before we do, we would love some feedback regarding location placement!
We are looking for a list of locations that would be suitable or better suited than the current locations. Suggest as many as you would like (current locations may still be the best spots, but we want to know what you think)!
December 6, 2016

Ever wonder what is discussed and how decisions are made?
Join us December 6 at the monthly Board Meeting at the Winston Heights-Mountview Community Centre Board Room: Meeting starts @ 7pm. The agenda and accompanying documents can be found here under the 2016/2017 December link.