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North Central LRT Project – RSVP!! April 29/30


North Central LRT Project update

Calgary Transit would like to hear from you! If you live in the North Central area of the city, these events are for you.

Calgary Transit is planning a light rail transit (LRT) line to connect Calgarians who live and work in the North Central area of the city with their communities. After working through a technical analysis that included previous public input, the LRT project team has narrowed their focus to the two highest-ranking route options: Centre Street North (at street level), and Edmonton Trail (at street level). Now the team would like to know which route the public thinks will be the best fit for their community.

Come and take a walk through the different options, talk with the project team, ask them questions, and offer your thoughts at these upcoming public open house events:

April 29

Ascension of Our Lord School
509 Harvest Hills Drive NE
Tuesday, April 29, 2014 from 6-9 p.m.

April 30

Thorncliffe Greenview Community Assoc.
5600 Centre Street N
Wednesday, April 30, 2014 from 6-9 p.m.

The workshop is limited to 80 participants. Please RSVP to

Tonight! WHM Community Potluck

April 18, 2014

Potluck_Dinner.189113111_stdPlease join us for our Monthly potluck dinner at the Winston Heights Community Centre from 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Our next pot luck will be on Friday, April 18th, 2014. The following pot luck will be May 16th.

Bring a dish to share and anything special you might like to drink (coffee, tea, juice and water are provided) and come on out to meet your neighbours for some great food and ever better company and conversation. We have toys for the kids to keep them occupied and usually we set up a craft table with markers and stickers and big rolls of paper.

If you’ve not yet made it out to potluck but would like to attend and want more information, please contact Mary-Beth at or at 403-209-1691.

Tonight! Mom’s Night Out

April 17, 2014

mno3Come and join us for our Moms’ Night Out. We’re always looking for suggestions on restaurants to try out, so if you’ve not yet joined us, but would like to come, and know of a place you’d love to go to, contact Mary-Beth at 403-209-1691 or

We’ll be getting together April 17th, 2014, location is TBA. Check back for May’s Mom’s Night Out Dates.

This is a great way to get to meet other women in the neighbourhood for some great food and great conversation. Hope to see you there!

Tonight: Edmonton Trl Reconstruction Info Session!

April 16, 2014

EdmontonTrEdmonton Trl Reconstruction Info Session!

April 16, 5pm – 7pm

Winston Heights Mountview Community Assoc. Centre

In 2013, Edmonton Trail, from 28 to 41 Avenues N.E. was reconstructed under the Major Roads Reconstruction Program*. Prior to, and throughout construction, we communicated with businesses and residents about the construction and how it would affect them.

Upcoming work – 2014

The next phase of the Edmonton Trail Road Reconstruction project includes the area from 16 Avenue to 28 Avenue N.E. This work is planned to start in spring 2014 and should be complete by fall 2014. Any minor work not completed in 2014, such as landscaping, will be completed the following spring.

The primary focus of this work is on removing the existing pavement and rebuilding the roadway to improve the road’s condition. The road will not be widened during construction. Streetlights will be replaced and sidewalks and driveways will be rebuilt as required. Any existing landscaping disturbed during construction will be repaired.

Also in the spring of 2014, crews will complete any minor remaining work in the area from 28-41 Avenues, such as concrete and landscaping work next to the road.

*Major Roads Reconstruction Program

The City of Calgary has a program in place dedicated to reconstructing Calgary’s aging roadways – the Major Roads Reconstruction Program. Elbow Drive, between 4 Street and Glenmore Tr. S.W., and Centre Street, between 42 Avenue and 54 Avenues, have already been reconstructed under this program.

Edmonton Trail, from 16 Avenue to 41 Avenue, is the next major roadway on the list for reconstruction. The project started in 2013 and will be completed over two years.

For more information

• Please call 311 if you require more information.

Tonight: Munro Park Open House – WHM Community Centre


Not everyone could make it to the Munro Park Visioning Session. The idea behind the meeting wasn’t to decide what the park would become after this redevelopment but to help decide on the direction to go with the park over the future (the vision over the next 10-15 years), a plan to follow.

If you have more ideas/suggestions on the vision of the park please join us at the next event on April 16, 2014 7-9pm and then the final presentation on May 14, 2014 at the WHM Community Centre.

Open House for Development of Edm Trl & 24th Ave – April 30

April 14, 2014


Please join us to discuss the proposed development of the lot on the North East corner of Edmonton Trail and 24th Ave.

Where: Winston Heights-Mountview Community Association Centre

When: April 30, 2014 at 7pm

We have invited the prospective owner, developer as well as members of the City of Calgary.  We hope you join us in discussing the future development.

Community Garden Update

April 11, 2014

garden (2)Spring is in the air and the Winston Heights-Mountview Community Garden Committee is eagerly looking forward to breaking ground on the first phase of the garden this May. We have spent the winter months designing, planning, fundraising and soon, we’ll actually be planting.

We know that many Winston Heights-Mountview residents share our enthusiasm for this project and we appreciate all of the support and encouragement that we have received so far. We are especially thankful to those who have made a financial donation to help build the garden. We are deeply grateful for your generosity. Our vision for the garden is to make it an inclusive space that will be enjoyed by both gardeners and non-gardeners alike. We will endeavor to make it as gorgeous and welcoming as the rain garden and we hope folks will often stop by to smell the roses, or more likely, the pumpkins and tomatoes in the beginning.

But first, we have to build it. The dates scheduled for construction are Saturday and Sunday May 24 and May 25, with some follow up and finishing work occurring the following weekend, May 31 and June 1st. We require lots of volunteers to assist with this endeavor, so if you can swing a hammer or serve coffee, we need you. We would love to welcome some new faces, so even if you have never volunteered before, please join us for a few hours, meet some of your fellow community members, get dirty, and make a positive difference in your community.


To volunteer for the Community Garden build, contact: Eva Logan at or 403 277-4473

Community Garden Facts:

Community gardens increase a sense of community ownership and stewardship

 Community gardens foster the development of a community identity and spirit

Community gardens provide opportunities to meet neighbours

Source for community garden facts: