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Batter Up! Learn-to-Play Softball

April 11, 2014

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Batter Up!

Are you the parent of a 4-6 year old who is interested in joining a once a week drop-in style Learn to Play Softball program?

The community association has equipment, we can use space in Munro Park and we can get advice from Foothills Little League. We need a minimum of 12 children and a couple of volunteer coaches to start the program. (If we have volunteers, Foothills will help us with coaches’ training.) If you are interested, please email

North Central LRT Project – RSVP!! April 23/29/30


North Central LRT Project update

The North Central LRT project team has narrowed their focus to the two highest-ranking LRT route options: Centre Street North (at street level), and Edmonton Trail (at street level). Now we want you to tell us what you think. Learn more about how we arrived at our decision, understand the role your input played in the process, and help us make our next big decisions. Join us at these upcoming events:
Exploring our Top Two Route Options Workshop Session
Take a Walk through the Options
Public Open House Events
Wednesday, April 23
6-8 p.m.
Huntington Hills Community Association- Curling lounge room
520 – 78 Avenue N.W.
Tuesday, April 29
6-9 p.m.
Ascension of Our Lord School
509 Harvest Hills Drive NE
Wednesday, April 30
Thorncliffe Greenview Community Centre
5600 Centre Street N
This workshop is for anyone who wants to develop a deeper understanding of the top two LRT route options, and discuss the impacts, challenges, and opportunities for each. Join with other community members to engage in lively conversation, explore the choices available and express your views about which route will work best for North Central communities.
The workshop is limited to 80 participants. Please RSVP to
These public open house events are for anyone interested in exploring the options for the North Central LRT line at their own pace. Take a walk through displays that show you what the options are, ask questions and speak to the project team, and share your thoughts with us in a casual, conversational atmosphere.


Today! Hon. Kyle Fawcett to join Seniors Forum at 1:30pm

April 3, 2014

iSeniors_ChattingLATE BREAKING NEWS: your MLA for the Calgary Klein Riding, Hon. Kyle Fawcett (also Associate Minister of Recovery and Reconstruction for SW Alberta) has asked to attend!

Please invite any and all seniors from not only our community but all within the Calgary Klein riding!

Older Adults to Gather in Community Hall on Thursday April 3 at 1:30pm!

Please bring your ideas to a conversation about what older adults need and want in our community. We will meet in the Winston Heights Mountview Community Hall, at 1:30pm, enjoy some coffee and tea and a few sweets, and talk about what matters most to you.

This event is being organized by Sidney at Calgary Family Services after consulting with the Community Association Board. If you want more information or just to tell Sidney that you will be there, contact her at 403-705-7559 or