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We are looking for Volunteers!

November 10, 2022

Volunteer for the Santa Breakfast and to help decorate the Community Hall

We are looking for volunteers to help decorate the Community Hall on Tuesday, November 22 between 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Coffee and Snacks will be provided. Sign up HERE

Volunteer at the annual Santa Breakfast – Sign up HERE

Neighbour Day BBQ!

June 13, 2022

The WHMCA is excited to welcome our community back with our first in person event since 2019! Join us as we celebrate Neighbour Day 2022 at the community hall with a BBQ, a magic show with Robert Wong, games, crafts, a beer garden and bocce ball. We’d like to invite the younger set to plant some new pollinating flowers in our Centennial Garden too!

We can always use volunteers, so if you’re able to lend a hand, please click on the link to sign up. And if you haven’t already, please ensure your membership is up to date as members are FREE!

This is a rain or shine event. Should there be rain on Saturday, we will be moving the party into the hall!

Annual General Meeting on Monday, June 13, 2022

May 23, 2022

Winton Heights Mountview Board of Directors invites all residents to attend the Annual General Meeting on Monday, June 13, 2022. Come meet your Community Association representatives, vote on the new Board of Directors and learn about the things our Community Association is working on, including updates on community projects and programs.

This year’s meeting will be via Zoom

Please pre-register by emailing: no later than 3pm on June 7th. The Zoom link will then be forwarded.

An active membership is required to attend the AGM, if you have not done so already, please renew your membership today!

Renew or get your new membership HERE

WHMV Casino Volunteer Sign-up 2022

February 14, 2022

Winston Heights – Mountview Community Association needs volunteers for our casino on Tuesday June 14th and Wednesday June 15th at the ELBOW RIVER CASINO

We would like to offer any volunteer positions to community members first – if any others want to apply please contact me.

Please remember to bring Photo ID with you

No experience is necessary! We are looking for volunteers for a number of positions. The following is a description of the duties of each volunteer and you can sign-up for a time slot below:

GENERAL MANAGER (Computer Literate) (Works in the Cash Cage)
• Participates in the opening and closing of the casino.
• Supervises the Cash Cage.
• Witnesses “Cash Outs” from players through Cashier.
• Fills in for Banker when they are on a break.
• Covers for all volunteer positions.

BANKER (Computer Literate) (Works in the Cash Cage)
• Fills chip orders as required from the Gaming Floor.
• Assists General Manager supervising the Cash Cage.
• Witnesses “Cash Outs” from players through Cashier.

CASHIER (Cash Handling experience is strongly advised) (Works in the Cash Cage)
• Redeems player’s chips for cash.
• Minimal amount of computer input is required.

CHIP RUNNER (Somewhat Computer Literate)
• A courier (runner) for chip orders.
• Participates in the opening and closing of games.

• Inputs the count from each drop box.

COUNT ROOM STAFF (Good with working with hands)
• Open and sorts cash from Drop Boxes.
• One person is required to input count from each drop box in computer.
• Runs cash through money machines, amalgamates each drop box.

PLEASE NOTE: Volunteers can only work one position during the two-day event. For example, a volunteer who worked as a Cashier on Day One cannot come back and work as a Chip Runner on Day Two. Volunteers can work more than one shift but must work in the same position.

Sign Up HERE

If you have any questions Contact Beth Lawton at 403-276-3500 or

Talking City

January 25, 2022

We’re participating in The City of Calgary’s Talking City project, helping Calgarians learn about City of Calgary services in a unique way. Through automated text messages, you can talk with over 100 select City services – including our own community centre! 

The City is launching public engagement for the 2023-2026 Service Plans and Budgets, a roadmap for how they deliver services to citizens and the financial plan to support their actions. As part of this project, Talking City uses automated text messages to enable you to “talk” with select light poles, bus stops, public art pieces, swimming pools and more. The personified object will tell you an interesting fact about the City service it provides and encourage you to share what’s important to you about that service.

Look for locations on the map at Simply text the keyword on the sign you find at the location listed to the phone number indicated to begin the conversation. Learn more at

Volunteers Needed – Rink Set-Up

October 3, 2021

Come out and help put up the WHMCA rink boards for another season of outdoor skating and hockey!

We need as many hands as possible to move the boards from their summer slumber to their winter glory.

Bring workgloves and steel-toe boots if you have them and your masks also.

One or two pickup trucks and some battery-powered drills/sockets would be helpful too.

If you can help, email Daryl at

Nordic Pole Walking for 55+

Come connect with your neighbors and have some fun learning the basics of Nordic pole walking.  You will learn more about the proper pole walking techniques that will enhance core, balance, posture and confidence. 

Nordic Poles will be sanitized and provided.

Date:  Thursday October 7th, 2021

Time: 3-4 PM

Location:  Winston Heights-Mountview Community Hall, 520 – 27th Ave NE

Cost:  $5.00 Drop in fee.  We only have 12 spots so Email:

Event will be held outdoors so please come dressed for the weather.  All programs and events will follow the Alberta Health Service COVID-19 safety protocols and guidelines. 

Community Clean-Up: Volunteer Opportunities – 2021

September 3, 2021

Once again, it’s time to comb through your garage and purge your garden shed of that never-used stuff. Community Cleanup events run from April through September to help keep our city clean and safe while also saving residents a trip to the landfill. These popular events are hosted by community associations with support from Calgary Community Standards and Waste & Recycling at The City.
City garbage trucks do not pick up large, bulky items like sofas or mattresses on their regular runs. If these items cannot be donated because of their condition (dirty, worn out), then they can be taken to a neighbourhood Community Clean-up event or taken to the City landfill. A metals recycler and an e-waste recycler have been booked for the event. You should note that certain items cannot be accepted at the Community Cleanups such as:
  • Car batteries
  • Glass (e.g. window panes, glass table tops)
  • Household appliances with Freon (e.g. refrigerators, freezers)
  • Microwaves
  • Liquids (e.g. cooking oils)
  • Large metal items (e.g. lawnmowers, barbeques)
  • Railway ties
  • Sod or dirt
  • Household hazardous waste including
    • Propane tanks
    • Paint
    • Automobile, cleaning, healthcare, and gardening chemicals
Visit to see all items that are accepted. This event is absolutely free!
Source:: garbage trucks will not accept
Our garbage trucks will not accept the following items:

  • Car batteries
  • Glass (e.g. window panes, glass table tops)
  • ​Household appliances with Freon (e.g. refrigerators, freezers)
  • Microwaves
  • Liquids (e.g. cooking oils)
  • Large metal items (e.g. lawnmowers, barbeques)
  • Railway ties
  • Sod or dirt
  • Household hazardous waste including
    • Propane tanks
    • Paint
    • Automobile, cleaning, healthcare, and gardening chemicals
Household hazardous waste materials can be brought directly to a household hazardous waste drop-off location.Items for recycling
Some cleanups may accept additional items for recycling. They may also organize a “free store” where you can drop off and/or select items for donations – free of charge. Check your community association website for details. These items include:

  • Baby care seats
  • Cell phones and cell phone batteries
  • Paper shredding
  • Home appliances (free store item)
  • Home electronics
  • Large pieces of furniture
  • Scrap metal (e.g. barbeques, lawnmowers, and filing cabinets)
Community Recycling Depots
Items for recycling can be taken to your local Community Recycling depot. Please check our community recycling depot page for a location near you.

WHMCA Neighbour Day – Scavenger Hunt Saturday, June 19, 2021

June 15, 2021

Get your family together to find the answers to 20 questions about our neighbourhood! Questions will be available on the website at 9 am on Neighbour Day (June 19, 2021) and must be submitted by 9 pm to be entered into a draw to win a gift card to a local business.  Questions will encourage families to discover the community outdoors!

Please be respectful of your neighbours and remember to practice social distancing of 2 metres.

Don’t forget to use the hashtags #WHMCA #WHMscavengerhunt and mention us @winstonheights

This will be a great opportunity to get to know your community and safely meet some new neighbours!

Email for more details or to submit scavenger hunt questions!