The Winston is Hiring!
February 28, 2020
The Turf Care department at The Winston Golf Club is now hiring for the upcoming golf season. The Winston Golf Club is one of the oldest golf courses in Calgary, just minutes away from the heart of downtown. If you are an energetic individual who enjoys working outdoors, we may have a position for you on our team. All positions require the availability to work early mornings and weekends. Both full-time and part-time positions are available. Retired and semi-retired individuals are welcome. As well, we are looking for an energetic individual to work on a part-time basis to plant and maintain our flowers beds for the 2020 season. These positions are seasonal positions with employment commencing approximately the beginning of April, and completing at the end of October.
The Winston offers a professional and enjoyable working environment, free golf privileges, and pro-shop and meal discounts.
Contact csteiner@thewinstongolfclub.
interested in joining our team. (403) 984-1700 Ext.4
Winston Heights-Mountview Crime Activity
Winston Heights-Mountview Crime Activity
Winston Heights-Mountview Crime Activity was down in April 2021
The Winston Heights-Mountview community experienced 6 crimes in April 2021, in comparison to 13 crimes the previous month, and 17 crimes one year ago. Winston Heights-Mountview experiences an average of 12.4 crimes per month. On an annual basis, Winston Heights-Mountview experienced a total of 149 crimes as of April 2021, which is down 26% in comparison to 200 crimes as of April 2020. Total Winston Heights-Mountview crimes are calculated as the sum of break & enters (dwelling, commercial, and other premises), theft from vehicles, theft of vehicles, assaults (non-domestic), commercial robberies, street robberies, and non-domestic ‘other’ violence.
Ward Boundary Review
February 19, 2020
Please click on the links below to link to the PDF of the City of Calgary document or visit or
If you have any questions regarding the information please email:
Launch of online engagement forward boundaries
Calgary’s Returning Officer is looking for feedback from Calgarians on two proposed ward boundary scenarios beginning on Wednesday, February 19, 2020.
The purpose of the public engagement is to help inform the Returning Officer’s ward boundary independent recommendations to Council. There are multiple ways of providing feedback including in-person and online (see full list of opportunities below). If your organization would like to speak to Calgary’s returning officer directly, arrangements can be made.
- A ward boundary maintains equitable representation by Councillors across the city. To achieve equitable representation, each ward should have a similar population.
- As cities grow or people move to developing parts of the city, the deviation in population between wards will increase. In order to adjust for variances in population between wards, ward boundaries must change.
- The process to review and change ward boundaries is outlined in the Ward Boundary Determination and Review Policy.
- Wards 3, 7 and 12 have population deviations and Ward 5 has an elector count deviation inconsistent with the Ward Boundary Determination and Review Policy.
- The purpose of the public engagement is to engage Calgarians in a manner that will help inform the Returning Officer’s ward boundary recommendations to Council.
- Participants are invited to provide feedback on ward boundary scenarios to the Returning Officer.
- More information on this work can be found online at
Web Links and Online Engagement
A project page has been developed and any copy or text explaining this work can be found here:
Short URL: or
Engagement Opportunities
Online engagement
Launches: February 19, 2020
Closes: March 19, 2020
Information has been posted, including an interactive map showing two possible boundary change scenarios on the engage portal. Citizens can submit feedback through the online portal directly.
In-Person engagement
Monday February 24
Power Reception Hall – Municipal Building
800 Macleod Trail SE
Drop-In Open House
10:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Tuesday February 25
Cranston Residents Association at Century Hall
11 Cranarch Road SE
Pop-Up Event
5:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Wednesday February 26
Huntington Hills Community Association
520 78 Ave NW
Pop-Up Event
4:30 PM to 7:30 PM
Thursday February 27
Glenmore Aquatic Centre
5330 19 St SW
Pop-Up Event
5:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Monday March 2
Remington YMCA / Quarry Park Library
108 Quarry Park Road SE
Pop-Up Event
5:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Tuesday March 3
Vivo for Healthier Generations / Country Hills Library
11950 Country Village Link NE
Pop-Up Event
5:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Wednesday March 4
North Mount Pleasant Arts Centre
523 27 Ave NW
Pop-Up Event
5:00 PM to 7:30 PM
Saturday March 7
Cold Garden Brewery
1100 11 St SE
Pop-up Event
12:00 PM – 3:00 PM
Tuesday March 10
Forest Lawn Library
4807 8 Ave SE
Pop-Up Event
4:30 PM to 7:00 PM
Wednesday March 11
Judith Umbach Library
6617 Centre St North
Pop-Up Event
4:30 PM to 7:00 PM
Frequently Asked QuestionsHow will the ward boundary review process stay neutral?
The engagement process follows Council’s Engage Policy (CS009/PFC2013-0235), which recognizes that decisions are improved by engaging citizens and other stakeholder groups where appropriate. The City Clerk’s office commits to conducting a transparent and inclusive engagement processes that is responsive and accountable.
How will citizens benefit from the changes to ward boundaries?
A ward boundary maintains equitable representation by Councillors across the city. To achieve equitable representation, each ward should have a similar population. As cities grow or people move to developing parts of the city, the deviation in population between wards will increase. In order to adjust for variances in population between wards, ward boundaries must change.
What’s wrong with the current boundaries?
In preparation for the next election, The City has reviewed population counts in all the wards and recommended that adjustments be made to better balance the population counts in each ward.
Which wards will be changed?
Wards 3, 7 and 12 have population deviations and Ward 5 has an elector count deviation inconsistent with the Ward Boundary Determination and Review Policy. However, in order to adjust the population counts, parts of other wards might be shifted, so additional wards may be impacted.
How do new boundaries get decided?
The Ward Boundary Determination and Review Policy directs The City to consider some criteria when developing scenarios for new ward boundaries. The criteria include things like total population, natural or physical boundaries, future growth, and community boundaries.
What does a ward boundary review do?
The City is conducting a Minor Review which includes creating new ward boundary scenarios that test out different ways the wards can be rebalanced. There will be public engagement on the drafted scenarios and then a final recommendation on new ward boundaries will be brought for Council consideration in the summer.
How will The City use my feedback?
The purpose of the public engagement is to engage Calgarians in a manner that will help inform the Returning Officer’s ward boundary recommendations to Council. Participants are invited to provide feedback on ward boundary scenarios to the Returning Officer.
Questions, comments and concerns may be directed to the project contact below.
Community members interested in having a conversation with the Returning Officer on this matter may contact the project lead below to coordinate.
Thank you: Family Day/Rink Grand Opening
Today: Family Day Rink Grand Reopening – Feb 17, 2020
February 17, 2020
Please join us for the Winston Heights-Mountview Rink Grand Reopening Party!
Monday, February 17th 12 – 2 p.m.
This Family Day let’s celebrate our new rink boards!
Bring the family and join us for a fun afternoon of BBQ, ice skating, hot chocolate, games, prizes and more!
Opening ceremony at 12:15
Our recent North Hall renovation requires everyone to be wearing skate guards in the building, so please bring them along! If you have old or unwanted skate guards, please bring them to share or donate.
Free for Member, $5 for non-members
Facebook Event Information
To volunteer please sign up below or email:
Santa’s Breakfast & Market 2018
November 12, 2018
WHMCA’s Annual
Please join us at the Winston Heights Community Centre for the Santa’s Breakfast and Craft Market on Saturday, November 24th. Breakfast will be served from 9:00 am to 11:00 am with Santa arriving by horse and wagon at 10:00 am.
Market Tables will be open from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm with a wide variety of vendors. Get your Christmas shopping done early, and avoid the malls!!
The breakfast is free to all Winston Heights-Mountview Community Association Members, and at a cost of $5 for non-members. Memberships will be available at the door, free for community residents and $10 for non-residents and businesses.
A bake sale table will be set up and raising funds for our new rink boards. If you are interested in donating baking, please drop it off to the hall between 12pm – 8pm on Friday, November 23 or between 8am – 10am or on Saturday, November 24th.
There will also be a box set up in the hall to collect food donations for The Mayor’s Food Drive. This is a great cause and a great way to share with those in need.
If you have any questions please call the Community Centre at 403-276-5474 or by email
To volunteer email:
If you would like to be a vendor, please visit us here for details.
Reminder! Mobile Skate Park Opens at 3pm TOMORROW, June 28, 2018
June 27, 2018
The free Calgary skateboarding program opens today at the Winston Height-Mountview Community Hall.
Visit the mobile skate park web page for more details.
Hours as follows:
- Thursday & Friday: 3pm – 7pm (June 28-29th) Closed July 2nd for Canada Day.
- Monday – Friday: 11am – 7pm (July 3 – July 19th)
- Saturday and Sundays: 10am – 6pm
Please note when lessons are scheduled staff will be in the park an hour before opening.
Reminder this is a free drop in program and all are encouraged to participate with their own skateboard, scooter or inline skates. Waivers and helmets are mandatory, waivers can be picked up at the park. We have a few loaner boards and helmets but they are on a first come first serve basis.
TODAY!! Family Day Winter Festival – Feb 19, 2018
February 19, 2018
Please join us for our Family Day Winter Festival on Monday February 19 from 11am-1pm.
Ice Skating
Maple Sugar Shack and more
Community Relations Open House – February 21, 2017
February 8, 2017
Do you want to volunteer but not sure how or in what way?
Contribute to the newsletter?
Have suggestions to help increase and maintain memberships?
Interested in taking pictures for our Social Media?
Well we’d love to have a chat, hear what you have to say and share information about what we do.
Join us February 21 @ 6:30pm in the West Hall at the Community Centre.