Tonight at the AGM – Munro Park Designs
Munro Park Open House Rescheduled
There’s still time….
If you weren’t able to attend the last Munro Park Open House to share your wants and needs for the park, there is still time to give input. The three draft concepts under consideration will be showcased at the Community Association AGM on May 27 and the Project Manager from the City of Calgary will be there to answer questions and collect your feedback. To allow the consulting firm to incorporate this additional feedback into the Draft Master Plan, the final presentation of the Draft Master Plan has been rescheduled to Thursday June 19 from 7 to 9 p.m.
Tonight! Membership Matters! WHMCA AGM
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Winston Heights – Mountview Annual General Meeting
May 27, 2014 • 7 p.m. – 9 p.m.
(Community ‘Thank you’ to our Volunteers 6:00 p.m.)
Food by Nicastro’s with wine and beer available too!
Winston Heights – Mountview Community Centre
It is time to elect your 2014-15 Board of Directors
This is your chance to make a change: voice your opinion, ask questions and state your concerns.
The Winston Heights-Mountview Board wants to know what you think will improve this
community. We will discuss community accomplishments of the past year and provide updates
on major projects affecting the community.
Do you have a vision?
We are looking for volunteers who are passionate about their community to join the 2014-15
Board of Directors. If you are interested in becoming a board member please contact Christine
Johns at or by phone at 403.510.9080.
We hope to see you all there!
Membership is required to vote on the board: $10 per household
Memberships are also required for:
- Spring sport activity registration (eg: Crossroads Soccer)
- Discounted hall rentals
- Discounted event tickets
- Discounted table rents at events
To purchase a membership please complete this WHMCA 2014-2015 Membership Form and send it in.
#yyc #whmca by winstonheights
May 24, 2014
Munro Park Designs at AGM May 27 – Final Reveal June 19
May 10, 2014
Munro Park Open House Rescheduled
There’s still time….
If you weren’t able to attend the last Munro Park Open House to share your wants and needs for the park, there is still time to give input. The three draft concepts under consideration will be showcased at the Community Association AGM on May 27 and the Project Manager from the City of Calgary will be there to answer questions and collect your feedback. To allow the consulting firm to incorporate this additional feedback into the Draft Master Plan, the final presentation of the Draft Master Plan has been rescheduled to Thursday June 19 from 7 to 9 p.m.
Let’s Get Growing!
May 7, 2014
MANY THINGS WILL SPROUT THIS SPRING, including the WHMCA Community Garden! We will be breaking ground in May, weather permitting.
After consulting with The Calgary Horticultural Society to determine an ideal location and considering the right amount of sunshine and proper land conditions, the garden will be located in the northwest corner of the field next to the WHMCA hall. The field will be a hub of activity for the community by housing the rink, the City of Calgary’s Rain Garden and the new Community Garden. The garden will meet the rink’s north and west boundaries, but will not overlap these boundaries in any way. (See map of the future garden site.)
The garden design will be developed in phases, depending on funding and volunteer manpower. Phase 1 will be completed this spring with plans to complete Phase 2 in 2015. There will be bed for community ‘sampling’, education beds for our schools and philanthropic beds to donate food to people in need. The Garden will provide a social core for the community and an opportunity for people of all ages and nationalities to be together with a common goal to learn how to grow clean food and interact more closely.
A little history about the Community Garden… the idea was first introduced to the community in August 2012 at a public session held to gauge the level of community interest. Out of that session, a volunteer committee was formed to undertake further research, consultation and planning. Extensive community consultation included an open house, meetings with other community committees and individuals, updates to the WHMCA Board and two door-to-door campaigns.
The community garden would not be possible without the support from corporate and government grants but most importantly from our community residents and local businesses. A huge thank you to all of you!