MANY THINGS WILL SPROUT THIS SPRING, including the WHMCA Community Garden! We will be breaking ground in May, weather permitting.
After consulting with The Calgary Horticultural Society to determine an ideal location and considering the right amount of sunshine and proper land conditions, the garden will be located in the northwest corner of the field next to the WHMCA hall. The field will be a hub of activity for the community by housing the rink, the City of Calgary’s Rain Garden and the new Community Garden. The garden will meet the rink’s north and west boundaries, but will not overlap these boundaries in any way. (See map of the future garden site.)
The garden design will be developed in phases, depending on funding and volunteer manpower. Phase 1 will be completed this spring with plans to complete Phase 2 in 2015. There will be bed for community ‘sampling’, education beds for our schools and philanthropic beds to donate food to people in need. The Garden will provide a social core for the community and an opportunity for people of all ages and nationalities to be together with a common goal to learn how to grow clean food and interact more closely.
A little history about the Community Garden… the idea was first introduced to the community in August 2012 at a public session held to gauge the level of community interest. Out of that session, a volunteer committee was formed to undertake further research, consultation and planning. Extensive community consultation included an open house, meetings with other community committees and individuals, updates to the WHMCA Board and two door-to-door campaigns.
The community garden would not be possible without the support from corporate and government grants but most importantly from our community residents and local businesses. A huge thank you to all of you!