At the Annual General Meeting on May 30 at 7pm a Special Resolution to update the organization’s bylaws will be put forward to the membership of Winston Heights-Mountview Community Association.
The last update to our bylaws was made in May 2010 and over the past seven years Directors have, from time to time, recommended changes which this Special Resolution aims to address. These recommended edits are proposed in order to:
- Update Membership sections to reflect the current practice of Memberships being by household rather than by individual.
- Expand Associate Membership to include businesses and not just individuals who live outside the community.
- Allow a limited number of Associate Members to serve as Directors.
- Expand Conflict of Interest to include more than “tender or contract to be submitted to the Association.”
- Improve consistency of language throughout the document.
All members are encouraged to review the proposed changes in detail here and provide any comments or direct any questions to DJ Kelly at whmv@djkelly.ca prior to the meeting.