Please join us at the Winston Heights Community Centre for the Santa Breakfast and Craft Sale on Saturday, December 13th. Breakfast will be served from 9:30 am to 11:00 am with Santa arriving to hand out treats to the children at 11:00 am. We will have musical entertainment by the Barberrellas, an amazing female Barber Quartet, as well as a few other local musicians. There will be amazing craft projects for the children to participate in.
Craft Fair Tables will be open from 9:30 am to 2:00 pm with a wide variety of vendors from knit and crocheted products to children’s tutu’s, pottery, jewelry, photography, cards and stationery, Scentsy, Epicure, Usborne Books, Stained Glass Artworks, original paintings, and much, much more. Get your Christmas shopping done early, and avoid the malls!!
Breakfast has been made available by the generous donations of Community Natural Foods, Tony Nicastro and Nicastro’s Neighbourhood Pub, Telus and our local Co-op. Thanks so much to these generous donors for their participation in our event.
The breakfast is free to all Winston Heights-Mountview Community Association Members, and at a cost of $5 for non-members. Memberships will be available for purchase at the doors for a cost of $10 per family.
A bake table will also be raising funds for community initiatives. If you are interested in donating baking, please drop it off to the hall between 12pm – 3pm on Friday, December 12 or between 9am – 9:30am on Saturday, December 13th. If you have any questions, please contact Kim MacMillan at membership@winstonheights.ca.
In addition to all the fun this year we are helping the Mayor’s Annual Christmas Food Drive, so when you come to Santa’s Breakfast and Craft Sale why not bring a non-perishable item to donate! If you want to drop off before then, beginning on Friday after lunch you can swing by the Community Centre and drop of your item! Not sure what to bring here’s a link to see some suggestions:
Items Needed and Quick Facts