October 24, 2014

Interested in testing your knowledge of current events or geography?
How well do you know sports or history?
Join your neighbours at the Winston Heights-Mountview Community Centre on Friday, October 24 at 7:30 p.m. for a fun night of trivia! There is no charge to play, but there will be a cash bar. Teams of two to 100 are welcome! We hope to see you there!
October 20, 2014

This is the new plaque that has been placed in the Centennial Garden, which sits at the front of the Community Centre. It’s almost anniversary time for us! Come on by and have a look and then enjoy a walk in this great community while enjoy the beautiful scenery it has to offer!
October 18, 2014

Everyone welcome!!
Just like the snow hitting the ground early this year, we are already gearing up to get the boards on the ground so we can get the community out on the ice!
This season we need some more folks to come out and help us with the work (painting and putting up the boards, flooding and clearing the ice) but first things first, Oct 18th @ 10am we will begin putting up the boards!
The rink is an enduring asset in this community, but it takes volunteers to make it happen! See you then!
If you are unable to attend but would like more information please send an email to: rink@winstonheights.ca
October 13, 2014

We are calling on everyone who is interested in joining our Membership Drive Team, whether you want to help in campaigning or just have some suggestions/ideas of how to effectively get others involved. The meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 15th at 7pm, so if you want to make a difference in the Winston Heights-Mountview Community RSVP to membership@winstonheights.ca for location details.
We are looking forward to seeing a lot of new faces joining the already hard working group to make Winston Heights-Mountview an even better place to live!
October 1, 2014
Event: Annual Santa’s Breakfast & Craft Sale
Date & Time: Saturday, December 13, 2014 9:30 AM – 2:00 PM
Location: Winston Heights-Mountview Community Centre – 520 – 27 Ave. N.E.
Cost: 6’ x 5’ space
$30 for Winston Heights-Mountview Community Association members
$35 per table for non-members
Please complete this form and return with payment to Kim MacMillan. Tables will be held for 2 weeks after verbal/email booking and released if payment is not received within that time. We will provide you with a table (72” X 30”) and 2 chairs; please bring your own table cover. If you require further information please contact Kim at 403-831-0006 or by email kdmacmillan0@gmail.com
- Doors open at 8:00 am for set-up and tables must be cleared and cleaned by 3:00 pm. Nothing may be hung on walls.
- Special requests must be submitted with registration. e.g. electrical outlets, wall etc.
- All food vendors must comply with City Health regulations.
- If for any reason you cannot attend, please notify us as we do keep a waiting list for tables. If we are able to fill your spot you will receive a full refund less a $10 fee.
Click here to view form.