September 30, 2014

Winston Heights-Mountview Community Association, along with The City of Calgary Recreation Department is happy to offer Fitness Classes for the Older Adult.
Classes will be at a cost of $5/person, and there is no age requirement, but these classes will be focused on fitness for the older adult. We will hold them in the Main Building of the Community Centre located at 520 – 27th Avenue NE. These classes are Drop-In, so there is no need to register, just come on out and enjoy!
The dates for classes will be as follows:
Each week on Tuesday mornings at 9:30 am starting September 23rd we will have yoga classes.
Every other Thursday morning at 9:30am starting Thursday, September 25th we will have Zumba Gold.
These are great classes at a great price, so be sure to come out and participate!
Classes will be 1 hour and there will be a tea and coffee service following each classes for people to socialize and get to know their other fitness enthusiasts. We hope you can make it out for these amazing fitness classes.
For further information, please contact Mary-Beth Walsh at or at (403) 209-1691.
September 17, 2014

Come and join us for our Moms’ Night Out. We’re always looking for suggestions on restaurants to try out, so if you’ve not yet joined us, but would like to come, and know of a place you’d love to go to, contact Mary-Beth at 403-209-1691 or
We’ll be getting together on Thursday, September 25th at 7:30pm, it will be the first one for the season! Location to be announced.
This is a great way to get to meet other women in the neighbourhood for some great food and great conversation. Hope to see you there!
September 16, 2014
Book Club is starting up again on September 16th.
The Book Thief is our selection for September’s meeting. We meet at the Winston Heights Community Centre in the Board Room from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Light snacks and refreshments are provided by the moderator each month. This a great group with lively discussion! If you’d like to come and join us, September is the perfect time as we will be selecting our books for the upcoming months!
If you’d like to know more about book club, or would like to be added to our e-mail list, please let me know and I’ll be sure to add you or answer any questions you might have. You can contact Mary-Beth at
(403) 209-1691. Hope to see you there!
September 13, 2014

Join us for our Annual Community Clean-up! Saturday, September 13th, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Winston Heights Community Center located at 520 -27th Avenue NE.
This is an amazing way to do your fall cleaning! All you have to do is come by the Community Centre between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. and drop off anything that you may want to clear out of your house, office, garage, etc.
Technotrash, will be on hand to handle any electronics or appliances (no refrigerators) you may need to be rid of. Action Tyre will be on hand to take care of any old tires and car batteries you may want to part with. Goodwill will there to take anything you feel may have some life left in it and be of use to someone else (no upholstered furniture). And as always, City of Calgary crews will be there with Two Trucks for Waste and One truck for Organic Waste. That means you can bring by anything their compactor trucks can handle and from what I’ve been told, they can handle just about anything that doesn’t have too much metal in it. So that means, mattresses, book cases, couches, end tables, you name it! And the organic truck can handle exactly that, organic waste like yard waste, compost etc.
For your general information, no batteries (other than car batteries), no chemicals, no paint, no Freon-containing appliances are accepted anywhere other than the firestations.
This service is completely free to Winston Heights/Mountview Community Members, and if you don’t have a membership, don’t worry, we will have people on hand selling memberships at $10/household. So if you don’t yet have one, but would like to purchase one, you can do so at the Clean-up!