While visiting in the garden this spring and summer, be sure to check out the latest addition to this beautiful space.  Our Little Free Library boasts a shelf of garden-related books, another just for the kids and of course, lots of choices for leisure reading. “Take, Read, Return, Repeat” and of course, book donations are always welcome.  As Cicero once said;

“If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need.”



Even the little ones were helping as many gardeners worked hard together to haul compost into every bed this year in preparation for another season of planting…nourishing the soil AND the spirit!



Garlic Scapes
Garlic scapes are beginning to develop – a bit early this year. Garlic scapes are best for eating when they are still curled. Left too long, they become woody. Cut the scapes off an inch above the top leaf. Leaving the scape on tends to reduce the bulb size. (Bulbs are not harvested until late summer). See the following web site for more information about garlic scapes.


Medicinal Bed

Last year, as part of the growing WHM Garden Community, the garden committee set out to develop an aboriginal and medicinal raised bed.  The garden would include a number of different plants traditionally used for common ailments.  The purpose is to expand our knowledge of the natural world and open our eyes to alternate uses of many plants.

A representative from the Lodgepole School of Holistic Studies, whose focus is on holistic and herbal education, provided the committee with a list of plants of both indigenous and European/Asian descent to choose from.  We selected a few that would suit the small raised bed of our community garden.  At the end of August 2015, two representatives from the school visited our garden and hosted an educational workshop where those interested could learn about each plant, including plant care, harvesting, preparation and common uses.

To continue the program and to spread the knowledge this growing season, the committee has decided to put together a short article on each plant.  Each article will focus on a single plant and discuss origins, plant care, harvesting, and preparation and finally use.  At this time we are excited to have several happy plants including white yarrow, vulgaris, catnip, lemon balm, sage, echinacea, valerian, alumroot, stinging nettle and sweetgrass.  To access this knowledge visit the Community Garden page on the WHM website every 2-3 weeks, or check your email if you are a garden member. Keep your eye out for these articles and visit the community garden for more information.

Note: The plants are available for communal harvesting but be conscientious of plant health and leave some for the next visitor.

Happy healing!
Lauren Pickering
WHM Community Garden Programs Lead