Munro Park Redevelopment Update – September 14, 2015

Do you have any old photos of Munro / Mount View Park?

As the Munro Park rejuvenation proceeds, we have an opportunity to add some history to the Munro Park sign, as we did for Victory Park. Check your old photo albums to see if you have any photographs of the park that show the amenities that were there in the 50s and 60s. We would love a photo of the skating oval or the old wading pool.

Please contact Linda Sharp @ (403) 276-4510 or email: if you have a photo for us.


Munro Park Redevelopment Update – September 1, 2015

There has been a lot of activity at the park in the past couple of weeks! Everything started to get underway with the equipment staging and protection fencing being put up on Monday August 17th. The construction/demolish began on the 20th!

Here are a few photos of the progress. Please feel free to have a walk over to Munro Park and see the progress for yourself. Also, if you snap any picture and want to submit them to be added to our webpage or to our social media feeds forward them to We love to see the community through your eyes.

photo 1   photo 2

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Below is the image of what the park will look like when everything is complete! Very exciting times.

Munro Park Redevelopment Update – November, 2014

Thank you to all the residents who came out to the visioning session, open houses, and/or our Community Association AGM to share your thoughts and vision for the future of Munro Park Redevelopment. Your feedback has been valuable in helping The City of Calgary Parks shape a final preferred concept for the park. Parks is currently working with a local design firm, IB Group, to finalize detailed design drawings. Construction for the park’s redevelopment is on schedule to begin in early 2015.

Here’s a recap of the project process to date:

February 19, 2014 Munro Park Visioning Workshop:

  • Discussed the current utilization of Munro Park
  • Heard from participates on their top three likes/dislikes about the park
  • Parks shared their big Ideas & long term vision for Munro Park

April 16, 2014 Open House – Concept Plan Review:

  • Parks presented three concepts and gathered feedback on each concept

May 27, 2014 Winston Heights/Mountview AGM – Concept Plan Presentation:

  • Parks and the Community Association discussed the redevelopment plan with attendees at the AGM to gain further insight and feedback from residents regarding the three concepts previously presented at the April 16 open house.

June 19, 2014 Open House – Draft Master Plan Review:

  • The final preferred concept was presented and feedback was gathered regarding the draft concept, implementation strategies and phasing priorities. Feedback formed final revisions heading into detailed design.

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For more information and updates on the project, please call 3-1-1.