Rental Rates
- The Facilities and Operations Committee will conduct a review of WHMCA’s hall rental rates at least once every three years. The review will compare rates with similar and competing facilities of other communities. The findings of those periodic reviews will be reported to the WHMCA Board with recommendations to retain or revise rental rates accordingly.
- The Board-approved rental rates will be posted and will apply to all Renters.
Rental Discounts
- The Board-approved rental rates may be discounted under the following circumstances:
- if a rental is by a member in good standing, a discount of 20% is permitted
- if a rental is by a Board-sanctioned organization/group which provides benefit to the Winston Heights Mountview community, a discount of 100% is permitted but must be approved in advance by the Board Executive.
- if a rental is for a weekday day-time booking with a registered charity, a discount of 30% is permitted.
- if a rental is by a “high frequency renter”, defined as a renter booking 4 or more events over a 12-month period, a discount of 15% is permitted.
- if a rental is for the funeral of a community member (or an immediate family member) who has provided significant service to the community, a discount of 100% is permitted but must be approved in advance by the Board Executive.
- if a rental is by a member in good standing and is for a children’s birthday partyin the West Hall, a discount of up to 40% is permitted for a 3-hour period. Any additional time will be charged at the non-discounted rate.
- if a rental is for the full main building for a major event, a discount for rent and services of up to 38% is permitted.
- at the discretion of the Facility Manager, for a rental not described above, a discount of up to 15% is permitted.
- this policy acknowledges that 3 grandfathered seniors’ dance clubs (i.e. Cue Steps, Acey Pluses and Western Squares) are permitted a special discount of up to 30%
. - this policy acknowledges that Gamblers’ Anonymous groups are permitted a special discount of up to 60%.
- this policy acknowledges that Calgary Community Day Services is permitted a special discount of 75%
- The rationale for and value of all discounts must be provided on the face of the agreements.
Discount Approvals
- Discounts for circumstances not described in Item 3 must be specified and approved by the Board Executive.
Accounting for Discounts
- A discount granted under 3(a) and 3(f) will be accounted for as a MEMBERS’ DISCOUNT.
- A discount granted under 3(b) or (e) will be accounted for as a DONATION.
- All other discounts granted under Item 3 are to be reported by the Facility Manager to the Facility and Operations Committee which will report same to the Board no less than once each year and accounted for as a RENTAL DISCOUNT.
Rental Surcharges
- Rental surcharges as set out in the Hall Rental Fee Schedule may be applied under the following circumstances:
- If the rental day falls on a holiday recognized by WHMCA as listed in 10.
- If cleaning, set-up or re-set of the facilities is required in such a way that it impacts on another user already booked on a Recognized Holiday.
- WHMCA recognizes the following holidays:
- New Year’s Day
- Family Day
- Good Friday
- Easter
- Victoria Day
- Canada Day
- Heritage Day
- Labour Day
- Truth & Reconciliation Day
- Thanksgiving Day
- Remembrance Day
- Christmas Day
- Boxing Day
- WHMCA will charge Renters an additional $60/hour for any employees required to work on days stated in 10. Every effort will be made to alert the Renter to this surcharge before the work commences.
- A deposit, equal to the value of one day’s rental fee, will be charged on each rental. This deposit holds the space and acts as a “damage deposit” to be put against costs necessary for clean-up, unapproved use of facilities, disregard of rules or penalties for complaints.
- The Facility Manager may discount or forgive the deposit requirement for renters who have a season
alagreement or long-term history with WHMCA. - Any deposit refund will be made by cheque and mailed to the renter to be reasonably received within 3 weeks of the event.
Recognition of Donated Space
- Renters which receive donated space will be required to acknowledge the donation in an appropriate manner in their promotional material and social media. For example, the following statements might be used: “Hall rental donated by Winston Heights-Mountview Community Association” or “This event has been generously supported by Winston Heights-Mountview Community Association.
- Use of the facilities by WHMCA Board or Committees for social events, meetings, programs, etc. will not be subject to a rental fee.
- All deposits and rental fees are due in their entirety 30 days or more in advance of the rental date.
- WHMCA may hold a space for 7 days after an inquiry is made without a deposit or a signed contract. Following that, a contract must be signed and the deposit paid to confirm the space.
- Hall rental bookings are not confirmed until the signed contract and deposit have been received. Without both, WHMCA may cancel the booking.
- Payment of fees by cash, money order or electronic transfer is accepted at any time. Cheques are accepted but only if payment is 30 days or more prior to rental date.
- Cancellation Policy:
- With 30 days’ notice, the full deposit and any rental fees paid less $52.50 (admin fee & GST) refunded.
- With less than 30 days’ notice, no refund of deposit.
- If the deposit has been waived, the rental fee will not be returned.
- GST will be charged on all fees, penalties and charges.
Approved by the Board of Directors, January 9, 2024