May 27, 2024
Situated on 24 acres of land north of 16 Avenue NE and east of Moncton Road NE, Midfield Heights has undergone a remarkable transformation from its origins since time immemorial as traditional Treaty 7 territory to an airport runway to a manufactured home park, and soon, into a serene new urban enclave in the inner city.
Today, we’re excited to share updates on development site sales and what to expect during the 2024 construction season.



Development site sales
Midfield Heights is comprised of seven (7) multi-family development sites ranging from 0.78 to 4.2 acres, fully serviced to accommodate a total of between 1000 and 1500 new homes, depending on each purchaser’s specific development proposal.
Development site purchase opportunities will be open to experienced multi-family builders from June 4 to July 9, 2024, through
Construction update
The 2024 construction season – our final one – is well underway, building upon the momentum from previous years.
Past construction seasons have witnessed removal of old deteriorated utilities, slope repair, environmental remediation, and installation of new utilities, laying a sustainable and resilient foundation for the future.
To minimize disruption to our golf course tenants in the valley below, construction of a stormwater pond on golf course land has largely taken place over the winter and is now nearing completion. This pond filters stormwater from Midfield Heights and the greater Winston Heights-Mountview area before it reaches Nose Creek, serving as a significant environmental asset.
By fall 2024, we anticipate completing roadways, sidewalks, street lighting, and landscaping, including two park areas and extensive pathways.
Beyond the 2024 construction season, we eagerly anticipate seeing buildings rise.
Construction photo gallery

New storm pond filters runoff before entering Nose Creek

Rock crushing to responsibly manage construction debris

Contaminated fill removed to ready site for development

Newly seeded escarpment after slope stability work

Ongoing efforts to combat graffiti

Clearing noxious weeds for a healthier ecosystem

Watermain and stormwater sewer installation

Sanitary sewer tie-in and extension works

Installation of stormwater infrastructure
Tree removal
Tree removal along the project’s boundaries took place the week of May 13.
We acknowledge the importance of these trees; the decision to remove them was not made lightly and is being done to maximize the fullest potential of the redevelopment site. We assure you that for every tree removed, a significantly greater number will be planted within our landscaped boulevards and public park areas, enhancing green spaces for generations to come.

16 AV elm trees NOT being removed

Poplar trees along Moncton RD among those slated for removal

Tree removal public notice