A Special General Meeting is being called for Monday, January 25th at 7pm. Per the community association’s bylaws, the Board is required to notify the community in writing 21 days prior to a Special General Meeting. This meeting is being held to vote on a necessary motion.
The WHMCA Finance committee is recommending the following:
The WHMCA Board of Directors proposes submitting an application for the Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA) in the amount of $60,000. If the loan balance is repaid on or before December 31, 2022, 33% of the loan ($20,000) will be forgiven. CEBA provides WHMCA with a measure of security along with an incentive for timely repayment. The amount forgiven would be used to replenish capital reserves.
This meeting will be held on Zoom and a quorum of 25 voting members of the community is needed.
Follow this link to join the meeting:
Should you have questions prior to the meeting, please contact Treasurer, Werner Harahap at treasurer@winstonheights.ca.