November 14, 2019
WHMCA’s Annual

Please join us from 9 am – 12 pm at the Winston Heights Community Centre for our annual Santa’s Breakfast on Saturday, December 14th. Breakfast will be served from 9:00 am to 11:00 am with Santa visiting from 10:00am-11am. Free photo with Santa, printed by FlashFoto (your pictures must be posted to social media for printing).
The breakfast is free to all Winston Heights-Mountview Community Association Members and at a cost of $5 for non-members. Memberships will be available at the door, free for community residents and $10 for non-residents and businesses.
A bake sale table will be set up and raising funds for community initiatives. If you are interested in donating baking, please drop items at the hall between 9am-12pm and 4pm-6pm on Friday, December 13 or between 8am-9am on Saturday, December 14. If you need to make drop arrangements out side of these times please email
If possible, please price and label your baking!
Tables are available for crafters/makers. Please contact Suzanne at for more information.
There will also be a box set up in the hall to collect food donations for The Mayor’s Food Drive for the Calgary Food Bank. This is a great cause and a great way to share with those in need.
If you have any questions please call the Community Centre at 403-276-5474 or by email:
To volunteer email: