Monday, May 28, 2018
Volunteer Appreciation – 6 pm
Annual General Meeting – 7 pm

Winston Heights – Mountview Community Hall
520 – 27 Ave N.E.

Every resident of Winston Heights – Mountview (WHM) is invited to attend our annual volunteer appreciation event. This is your chance to celebrate and thank every neighbour who helped make WHM a little better place to live this year.

Following that will be the Annual General Meeting (AGM). At this meeting, the WHM Board of Directors will discuss community accomplishments of the past year and provide updates on major projects affecting the community.  The WHM Board of Directors wants to know what you think will improve this community.  They want you to voice any opinions or questions you have had throughout the year and they also want you to elect your 2018-19 Board of Directors.

Are you passionate about your community?  Do you enjoy helping your neighbours?  If you are interested in becoming a board member, please contact Christine Johns at or by phone at403.510.9080.