The Winston Heights-Mountview Refugee Response (WHMRR) invites you and your family to a fundraiser for the Syrian family supported by so many wonderful residents of the Winston Heights-Mountview community. All of the proceeds of the fundraiser will go to the family’s significant upcoming expenses. Please take this opportunity to meet our wonderful newcomer family!
The fundraiser will take place at the WHMCA Hall on May 26 2017 with a buffet style dinner of traditional Syrian food served from 5:30-8:30 pm. Tickets are $20, but children 12 and under can join and eat for free. Alcoholic beverages will be available for purchase at the event.
Tickets can be purchased through EventBrite by searching WHMRR, using this link, https://www.eventbrite. ca/e/whmrr-fundraiser-dinner- tickets-32579927440 or you can find the link (and updates from us!) on our blog at: https:// whmrefugeeresponse.wordpress. com/
Thank you to the community of Winston Heights-Mountview for your ongoing support for this worthwhile cause. We look forward to seeing you at the dinner!
– Winston Heights-Mountview Refugee Response