
Update: August 2016

Although it is still summer and hopefully you are enjoying it to its fullest, it is coming to the time when we start planning for the upcoming skating/hockey season. We have had a skating/shinny rink and oval for many years on the field at the community centre. This winter we are planning some exciting things for the rink.

  • We have purchased safety netting for the end boards to protect the neighbours’ houses and the skaters on the oval. We will need some new, taller fence posts to hook these onto.
  • The rink boards and other essentials need to be erected before the first snow.
  • Teams of “hosers” need to be assembled to ensure the rink is maintained on a consistent basis. For the last couple of years Dave has done an amazing job, but sadly, he has moved to sunnier climes.
    • In case you are wondering, “hoser” is term used to describe someone who waters or hoses rinks.
    • We have snowblowers and power-brooms to make the job easier. We also have a large “fire” hose and nozzle for watering the surfaces.
  • We need to convene a meeting of interested skaters, shinniers, parents and community members to make these things happen. Please contact Terence Evans @ 403-452-0458 or by email: if you can help.


Remember, this will only happen with people like you helping.