Free Tax Preparation Clinics
March 19, 2013
Free Tax Preparation Clinics at Winston Heights-Mountview Community Hall for eligible individuals.
Need a hand with your 2012 tax return?
The Winston Heights-Mountview Community Association and our community volunteers, in conjunction with Canada Revenue Agency, are pleased to introduce the Community Volunteer Income Tax Program to Winston Heights-Mountview and surrounding communities. Volunteer tax preparers will assist individuals who have low income and simple tax situations prepare and file their 2012 tax returns at no charge. Eligible taxpayers normally served by this program are seniors, or single parent families, or social assistance recipients, or students or newcomers that have low income.
This year tax preparation clinics will be held on April 4, 11, 18, 25 from 2:00 – 4:00 PM at the Winston Heights-Mountview Community Hall. Please call Willa Dene Dohy at 403-277- 3736 to book your appointment.
Can you lend a hand for this program? Volunteer tax preparers and assistants are needed to help with this program. Training, software, and equipment is provided for your position. Please call Lenore Eaton at 403-276-3798 if you would like to help out.